Quote Originally Posted by Chibi
So there is a slight 'ih' sound in between the g and d? Because when I was analyzing how I said Baghdad and the song, I thought I could hear slight 'ih' sounds.
There has to be some sound in between, since the transition between the 'g' sound and the 'd' sound isn't seamless. This is different than Baghdad, which has a separation of syllables right in between the letters, while Где is all one syllable.

So yes, there is a slight 'ih' type sound in between. It's just for the sake of making the 'g' sound audible.

So technically, it is pronounced gihdye, with the 'ih' sound severely minimized. Think of saying 'gid' really, really fast.

(Disclaimer: I am really new to Russian. I've been casually studying reading for the past couple of weeks. If anything I say is inaccurate, please correct me.)