I have read a hell of a lot of articles on this topic however when learning words afterwards, various websites use just e when it should be ye/je (in the phonetic english) or for words such as еда simply type eda rather than yeda... however also use e for э.

Then again I read somewhere that words at the end change after certain vowels such as поезд sound as if it were поест, although nowhere states it like this phonetically.

Has anyone a link or full explanation of pronunciation rules?

Main points I want confirming on (need correcting)

-unstressed vowels at end or start are still pronounced as original i.e. говорите is pronounced guvuritye ... i use "u" as a website said unstressed a and o sounds like the u in nut!
-consonants sounding different based on what?
-other rules such as е becomming like и etc...
