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Thread: On-line pronunciation service

  1. #1
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    On-line pronunciation service

    Occasionaly find this on-line service with quite normal Russian pronunciation
    What you think about it?
    How do you appreciate other languages pronunciation?
    Maybe you know another good examples of that kind service?

  2. #2
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    Re: On-line pronunciation service

    For example, service "has eaten" this text below... and I have to say as natine speaker - pronunciation was quite good.

    "Составление гнездового словообразовательного словаря требует разработки основных принципов его построения. Это невозможно без тщательного изучения всех проблем словообразования, имеющих прямое или даже косвенное отношение к словарю, и специального исследования ряда вопросов, связанных с созданием теоретической базы словаря."

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    Re: On-line pronunciation service

    It looks the same way as any other alike service for me. The voice, using at this program is too noisy, harsh and robotic and this cutting my poor ears off. What are you gonna use it for?
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  4. #4
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    Re: On-line pronunciation service

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrabus
    It looks the same way as any other alike service for me. The voice, using at this program is too noisy, harsh and robotic and this cutting my poor ears off. What are you gonna use it for?
    Hm, have you realy lisstened it, more then one-two words? And you made correct settings?
    Technology of voice synthesis improving by every year, and I actually was surprised with quality of this free service.
    I found another good example ... -demo.html

    There are many fields of application this kind of software, but of course, as you could guess, I talking about using it for language studing.
    And I find it very useful and convenient!

  5. #5
    Старший оракул
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    Re: On-line pronunciation service

    Quote Originally Posted by Shurick
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrabus
    It looks the same way as any other alike service for me. The voice, using at this program is too noisy, harsh and robotic and this cutting my poor ears off. What are you gonna use it for?
    Hm, have you realy lisstened it, more then one-two words? And you made correct settings?
    Technology of voice synthesis improving by every year, and I actually was surprised with quality of this free service.
    I found another good example ... -demo.html

    There are many fields of application this kind of software, but of course, as you could guess, I talking about using it for language studing.
    And I find it very useful and convenient!
    Sorry mate, I really think, this is too bad to be used in studying purposes(as I understand, you want this program to be your pronunciation guide). I'm sure that better to use for that, because on this site everything is pronounced in right and neutral way, no any robotic noises which are so irritating and make you hurt. They've got this positive effect, recording every single words and not using that strange algorithm of reading, applying to those "reading-sentences in many languages" sites.
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  6. #6
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: On-line pronunciation service

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrabus
    Sorry mate, I really think, this is too bad to be used in studying purposes(as I understand, you want this program to be your pronunciation guide).
    Russian sounds pretty good to me. It's just a little too fast for beginners.
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  7. #7
    Старший оракул
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    Re: On-line pronunciation service

    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrabus
    Sorry mate, I really think, this is too bad to be used in studying purposes(as I understand, you want this program to be your pronunciation guide).
    Russian sounds pretty good to me. It's just a little too fast for beginners.
    Oh, rly? Do you really think it can be any way compared to native pronunciation? Honestly, I wouldn't wish any of my familiars to learn Russian pronunciation this way as well as English. It's unacceptable for me and this is my IMHO, of course. My outlook on the service I've said out above.
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    Re: On-line pronunciation service

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrabus
    Oh, rly? Do you really think it can be any way compared to native pronunciation?
    As for me, I think so. Of course it can, and for a wonder the prononciation is quite good.

    The thing
    "Составление гнездового словообразовательного словаря требует разработки основных принципов его построения. Это невозможно без тщательного изучения всех проблем словообразования, имеющих прямое или даже косвенное отношение к словарю, и специального исследования ряда вопросов, связанных с созданием теоретической базы словаря."
    was pronounced quite well, only two last words sounded strange and unnatural to me.

    P.S. The voice is robotic, but that has nothing to do with pronunciation.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  9. #9
    DDT is offline
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    Re: On-line pronunciation service

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrabus
    Quote Originally Posted by Shurick
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrabus
    It looks the same way as any other alike service for me. The voice, using at this program is too noisy, harsh and robotic and this cutting my poor ears off. What are you gonna use it for?
    Hm, have you realy lisstened it, more then one-two words? And you made correct settings?
    Technology of voice synthesis improving by every year, and I actually was surprised with quality of this free service.
    I found another good example ... -demo.html

    There are many fields of application this kind of software, but of course, as you could guess, I talking about using it for language studing.
    And I find it very useful and convenient!
    Sorry mate, I really think, this is too bad to be used in studying purposes(as I understand, you want this program to be your pronunciation guide). I'm sure that better to use for that, because on this site everything is pronounced in right and neutral way, no any robotic noises which are so irritating and make you hurt. They've got this positive effect, recording every single words and not using that strange algorithm of reading, applying to those "reading-sentences in many languages" sites.
    I didn't see anywhere on that site that even had Russian!
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