hi, could anyone tell me how to pronounce Ilich? is the name of Lenin and if someone knows i would like to know the meaning. Please answer mi post =]
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hi, could anyone tell me how to pronounce Ilich? is the name of Lenin and if someone knows i would like to know the meaning. Please answer mi post =]
EE-leech (the "ee" sound is stressed)
Ilich is a patronymic and it means that Lenin's father was Ilya.
Funny, i just read a 600 page book about Lenin, but i can't remember when or how or why he changed his name.
The stress is on the last syllable--
genitive ee-lee-CHA
Memory like a sieve, just like me ... Ulyanov wasn't it? But what does Lenin mean again?Quote:
Originally Posted by Dogboy182
Wikipedia znaet vse...
"Lenin" was one of his revolutionary pseudonyms. He is believed to have created it to show his opposition to Georgi Plekhanov who used the pseudonym Volgin, after the Volga River; Ulyanov picked the Lena which is longer and flows in the opposite direction. However, there are many theories on where his name came from and he himself is not known to have ever stated exactly why he chose it.
Oh, cuz he was so gangster that's why.
I heard it was connected to his wife (?), named Lena...
His wife was Надежда Крупская btw.Quote:
Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
Ok, so it wasn't the wife :D But this is what I found on the internet:
- Никакого отношения к псевдониму Ленин женщина по имени Лена не имеет. Проблема решается просто. В 1900 году, когда Владимиру Ульянову необходимо было выехать за границу, он подал прошение на имя псковского губернатора о выдаче заграничного паспорта. Однако опасался, что из-за революционной деятельности паспорт не получит. Поэтому Надежда Константиновна обратилась к своей подруге по вечерней школе Ольге Николаевне Лениной. Та попросила своих братьев Сергея и Николая, которые знали Владимира Ульянова по Вольному экономическому обществу. Сергей во время командировки в Псков вручил Ульянову паспорт своего отца, Николая Егоровича Ленина. В паспорте была подделана дата рождения в соответствии с возрастом Ульянова. Правда, этим паспортом Владимиру Ульянову воспользоваться не пришлось: Николай Ленин был статским советником. В 1900 году Владимир Ульянов впервые употребил фамилию Ленин как псевдоним, чем-то она ему полюбилась; при жизни он этот псевдоним применил около 800 раз. А после смерти именем Ленина были названы города, поселки, улицы...
For those who are lazy: it says that since Vladimir had to go abroad and he was afraid that they won't allow him, because of his revolutionary activities, his wife (so there was a connection after all! Take that, DenisM! :wink:) asked her friend with the name Olga Lenina for help, and Olga's brothers gave Vladimir their father's passport (with the name Lenin)
his wife doenst look too happy.
I usually transliterate this as Ilyich.
Because there's definitely a "y" sound in the beginning of the second syllable.
=] thx for the answers, then it's pronounced like in spanish
thx a lot for the help.
Originally Posted by Angel_of_Death-NZ
Well if i remember correctly, she never really wanted to marry him. It was some kind of agreement he made when he was sent into exile in Siberia.
Dzhugashvili is a better name. I'd have kept it.
Eh? That was Stalin's original Georgian name. Lenin's original name was Ulyanov, as I, scotcher and kalinka mentioned.
AFAIK she had some kind of thyroid gland illness, that's why she didn't look very happy.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dogboy182
But when they moved to the beautiful swiss alps, Lenin was sure the fresh air would cure her. I think he was right... She wasnt happy because she wanted a revolution of her own but she failed when others suceeded.
Kind of like me, but the reverse! ;)Quote:
but she failed when others suceeded.
I know.Quote:
Originally Posted by waxwing
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