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Thread: how to pronounce a palatalized r (рь)

  1. #1
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    how to pronounce a palatalized r (рь)

    Would someone please describe how to pronounce the palataized r in words such as говорю, река, and ряд? I can hear the difference between the palatalized and unpalatalized r, but I am not sure how to correctly. It seems to me that it can't be pronounced in the same way one would normally pronounce a soft consonant--by putting your tongue against the roof of your mouth--since that would make it nearly impossible to produce a trill.

  2. #2
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    Batman doesn't need to speak Russian properly. He speaks the international language of whoop-arse, after all...
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  3. #3
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    Re: how to pronounce a palatalized r (рь)

    Quote Originally Posted by brucewayne
    Would someone please describe how to pronounce the palataized r in words such as говорю, река, and ряд? I can hear the difference between the palatalized and unpalatalized r, but I am not sure how to correctly. It seems to me that it can't be pronounced in the same way one would normally pronounce a soft consonant--by putting your tongue against the roof of your mouth--since that would make it nearly impossible to produce a trill.
    There is like a very slight y sound just after the Р. This is one of the most difficult sounds for English speakers. You must make sure you don't end up saying e.g. риека or рьека.
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  4. #4
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    no way on God's green Earth anyone going to explain this to you in written words. You got to hear it. Take a couple lessons from a NATIVE SPEAKER. (not from the Causasus, either -- Russians are always making fun of how they can't say palatalized consonants either!)

  5. #5
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    How bout a recordning?

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