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What do you need it for?
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[i:di:’ot] maybe
i need it because it is the title of a novel i like. "The idiot", by fedor dostoevsky
what the hell is wrong with you?
It was not such a big deal that you had to fly off the handle. I thought that you wanted to insult somebody.Quote:
Originally Posted by brighton
It's pronounced: E - D - ought. The stress is on the "ought".
No offence but was not [i:di:’ot] enough?
Most likely not. It is a fact that a lot of English speakers do not understand IPA-based transcrition systems. I think that most British people should understand IPA-based transcription, since it is widely used by British dictionaries and is most likely taught in schools. In the USA, however, most dictionaries use their own phonetic systems, totally unrelated to IPA.Quote:
Originally Posted by alexB
We have no idea about where brighton is from, therefore, we cannot assume he'll understand your transcription.
I don't think Brits are any more likely to know IPA than Americans. It's certainly not taught in schools.
I see.Quote:
Originally Posted by scotcher
I'd rater write it [ɪdʲɪ 'ot]Quote:
Originally Posted by alexB
there is no tense i's.
But what if transcription system they do understand are weird and/or incapable of conducting sounds of Russian because it was not designed for it?Quote:
Most likely not. It is a fact that a lot of English speakers do not understand IPA-based transcrition systems.
( weird e.g. "ä like o in 'pot' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pronunciat ... or_English . It's simple - a with dots as o, right ? )
ok thank you very much to all of you and lampada i'm really sorry for what i said, i take it back. So it's kind of similar to what we say here: idiot, idiought... blah
thanks again
Just making sure you realized that the stress is on the last syllable in Russian.Quote:
Originally Posted by brighton
It's on the first syllable in English.
Forgiven, and yes, I should've been more polite and at least say "if you do not mind me asking". :)Quote:
Originally Posted by brighton
Роман Фёдора Достоевского "Идиот" : http://sayandpost.com/1rc2t80vx2.mp3
sounds to me like eedyote w/ stress on dyote (rhymes w/ wrote).
How the does the pronunciation of идёт differ from идиот?
Originally Posted by Кишлук
Идиот: ee-dee-ought
Идёт: ee-d'yot
The second и is very fleeting, but pronounced, followed by a heavy stress on the "o".
I'd say there is no any "second и" for Russian native speakers here; there are just a soft 'д' and an 'o' after it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yazeed
I said it was fleeting (произносится быстро). Я вот могу расслышать вторую "и", и при этом я не русский но, правда, ударение находится на "о", причем оно сильное ударение.Quote:
Originally Posted by Оля
Так получается ид-и-ОТ, и вот в том-то и разница между "идиот" и "идёт",
Yes, I've read that. What I'm trying to say, there's no any и after the 'д' for me, not distinct nor fleeting.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yazeed
I can't hear it there, and I'm a Russian native speaker. Moreover, if I'd hear it there, it would sound like a foreign accent to me.Quote:
Я вот могу расслышать вторую "и"
Record it and upload it. I wanna hear how it's pronounced properly. :)
Originally Posted by Yazeed
С душой сказано. Это так звучит голос лампады?
Со второго повтора начинается веселье, а с третьего истерика. Чего люди кинокомедии придумывают? Идёт идиот и кинокомедия готова.
Оля, что с твоим слухом? Вторая "и" в слове "идиот" слышится вполне отчётливо.Quote:
Originally Posted by Оля
Originally Posted by alexB
Это только мне кажется, что "идёт" здесь как будто с прибалтийским акцентом?
Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
По-английски с русским акцентом, по-русски - с непонятным. :lol:
Ну слава богу, значит не глюк. :) Мне лично слегка слышытся легкий акцент вроде того, что был у какой-то известной советской певицы.. Кажется той, что про черного кота пела.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lampada
Речь о слове "идёт", а не "идиот". По крайней мере, я говорила о нем.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ramil
Так все же говорили про идиота. :wink:
Да нет, говорили как раз про "идёт" (что там "и" какая-то, которой я тоже не слышу). Допускаю, что она проявляется при специфическом выговоре.Quote:
Originally Posted by Rtyom
Это теперь знает только Язид, о чем он говорил. Лично я говорила про слово "идёт".Quote:
Originally Posted by Rtyom
Вопрос про слово "идиот" был задан давно, и ответ был давно дан, а теперь другой человек задал вопрос, чем отличается это слово (про произношене которого уже всё было разъяснено) от слова "идёт". Так что, когда Язид стал отвечать, я подумала, что он отвечает на более "свежий" вопрос.
Но даже если он имел в виду слово "идиот", I do not agree then that the second и is very fleeting because it's very evident to me in that word, not fleeting at all.
Ну, значит и я запутался. :wacko: