
This may seem rather weird to some folks, but here's the upshot of my request:
I want to learn to do a Russian accent.
I want to speak English like Russians do, that is to imitate standard Russian talk, like when they've just arrived in America and start getting around.
How do I go about this task?

Here's the skinny I already know (picked it up from the coffers of the internet):

1. Use V for W: say "vest" in lieu of "west"
2. Use z/s for th: say "zis/sink" in lieu of "this/think"
3. Use i: for i: say "seek" in lieu of "sick"
1. Skip 'the/a/to': say "I live in country/I want buy car" in lieu of "I live in the country/I want to buy a car"

But I have a hunch there's more to that, maybe you know more and can give me some heads up on the subject matter so I can improve on my Russian accent.
I don't have an eye for accents, so I can't really distill anything from just listening to Russians speak English, I need solid advise.