Quote Originally Posted by YuliaVolkovaFan
Quote Originally Posted by giovanni
Quote Originally Posted by YuliaVolkovaFan
Quote Originally Posted by xRoosterx
What part of Tennessee you from, bro?
East Tennessee, but I have no accent, I used to have a Southern accent, but I moved to Hawaii, and lost my accent
I find americans say this all the time... "oh i dont have an accent at all!" then i think... "then why cant i understand you?!" but maybe you dont, who knows?

to lose it, you have to get your mouth used to sounds you might have never used.... an accent is the accustomment of the mouth to a certain way of speaking. All you have to do is loosen it up so you can make the sounds of a native.. (i know i probably make it more simple than it is, but it works for me) so just practice, when you hear a word, repeat it over and over, it will help
i SERIOUSLY dont have an accent, though. My family says words such as "Hawaii" like "Ha-wai-yeh" and I say "Huh-wai-ee", they say "Creek" like "Crehck" or "Crick" even, but I say "Creek". I used to have a really big souther accent and when we moved to Hawaii, I became really quiet and kept to myself, and before we moved I was really outgoing, and after we moved I only talked in class to answer the teacher, really. and I sort of let go of my accent (also im older now ,and my voice has changed...) but thank you, and I will practice that! I used to pretend i had an italian, french, or maybe even European accent ( i dont know), and when i tried to make the accent when i talked i was horrible! but now i can make an italian or french or European accent and it sound almost natural. but again thank you!
Everyone has an accent. You can't not have an accent. I am British, so to me you have an American accent.
Also "french, italian or maybe even European accent". Europe is a continent consisting of 48 countries and France and Italy are in Europe, so French and Italian = European. There is no such thing as a European accent anyway as there are like a million different languages spoken in Europe, including French, Spanish, Russian, Hungarian, German, Czech, Greek, Swedish to name but a few, and English of course.
