Ник Перумов - российский писатель-фантаст, живущий в США. Известен в первую очередь вольными продолжениями "Властелина Колец" Толкиена. Я не фанат его творчества, но здесь он толково и грамотно говорит об отношении к России в Западом мире.
Ник Перумов - российский писатель-фантаст, живущий в США. Известен в первую очередь вольными продолжениями "Властелина Колец" Толкиена. Я не фанат его творчества, но здесь он толково и грамотно говорит об отношении к России в Западом мире.
A total idiot! It's all lies.
One should remember that Russia (and even foreign affairs in general) is absolutely not in the center of attention of simple Americans, they just do not have their own opinion. There is a small group of specialized reporters who regularly reproduce cliches in media without feeling and thinking. Probably they consider it a professionalism - to have a regular income for just maintaining accepted format.
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
Most Americans don't even know where Russia is. All they know that it's damn cold there and all Russians are commies.
Send me a PM if you need me.
I know plenty of Russians who've been maintaining this image of their whole nation way more productively than any of the specialized journalists and correspondents. Trying to see the US as their #1 enemy, thinking most Americans are ignorant, longing for bringing back the soviet times, and so on... Think about that...
Absolutely agree with Nick!!!
Wow! Does he roll his R's or what?! Brrravo! Of course, he's way off on his appraisal.
Okay, first, a question about Russian: What are some good colloquial ways to express "I couldn't catch everything that he said, but I got the gist of it?"
Second, one phrase that I understood without the slightest difficulty was Нью-Йорк Таймз. Well, that's half the problem right there -- the New York Times is definitely on the left side of American politics, and thus they prefer to describe the Moscow terrorists as "Chechen partisans," or whatever -- because American left-wingers have a severe allergy to using "terrorist" and "Muslim" in the same sentence. (Как будет по-русски "white guilt" ?)
So what Mr. Perumov interprets as "р-р-р-русофобия" is actually the result of the New York Times trying very hard to avoid the appearance of "Исламофобия".
(Это меня как-то напоминает стихо из пьеси "Julius Caesar" Шекспира: "Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.")
But if Perumov chose to read, watch, and listen to right-wing sources like FoxNews or Rush Limbaugh or the Washington Times, he would certainly hear Americans talking about "terrorist bombings in Moscow" -- because right-wing Americans aren't embarrassed about saying that "Well, I do have some Muslim neighbors who are wonderful, lovely people... but the Islamic world as a whole seems to have a disproportionate number of CRAZY MOTHERF*CKERS WHO LIKE TO BLOW SH!T UP."
ЗЫ: Если у вас какие-нибудь вопросы относительно грамматике в английской глагольной фразе "to blow sh!t up", обращайтесь ко мне!
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
"Я въехал не во всё, что он там наболтал, но основную идею я ухватил."
There is no white guilt in Russian.(Как будет по-русски "white guilt" ?)
(Это мне чем-то напоминает стихоиз пьесы[/B] "Julius Caesar" Шекспира: "Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.")Hm? Why right-wing Americans consider terrorists' victims a sh!t?ЗЫ: Если у вас какие-нибудь вопросы относительно грамматике в английской глагольной фразе "to blow sh!t up", обращайтесь ко мне!
PS "фраза" means "sentence". "Phrase" usually is "оборот" or "словосочетание".
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
It-ogo, ты видать сам чуток не догнал здесь. ))"Well, I do have some Muslim neighbors who are wonderful, lovely people... but the Islamic world as a whole seems to have a disproportionate number of CRAZY MOTHERF*CKERS WHO LIKE TO BLOW SH!T UP."
…но, в целом, в исламском мире непропорционально велико число отмороженных ублюдков, которым не терпится чего-нибудь взорвать.
О жертвах террористов никто плохо здесь не говорит.
The phrase "to blow sh!t up" is a classic example of the word "sh!t" being used in a completely neutral way, without any negative connotations -- in this context, it means "stuff" or "things" or "anything and everything."
Similarly, one can say about food (for example): "Wow, this sh!t is delicious!" without any irony.
(Although one might say it especially about a food that you've never tried before and is perhaps a bit strange-looking, but turns out to be very tasty -- "this sh!t is delicious!" was my reaction the first time I tried баклажанную икру! And of course, high-quality травка is often described as "good sh!t".)
On the other hand, "this tastes like sh!t" can ONLY be negative!
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
Thank you for pointing that out! I think it's particularly interesting that there's no article about the subject in Spanish, since there are plenty of Latino/Hispanic activists in the U.S. who love to make English-speaking white people feel guilty for "stealing" California.
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
I see. "Hi! How's sh!t going?"
BTW in old Hebrew there was a phrase for "anything and everything" - "good and evil".
So the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" from the Bible in fact should be translated to contemporary English as "tree of the knowledge of sh!t". And this describes well what the forbidden fruit was in fact.
Hm... If WASPs enjoy racially specific guilt, maybe we have to make them guilty for "stealing" Alaska?
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
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