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Thread: Жириновский и Пугачева

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    zxc is offline
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    Жириновский и Пугачева

  2. #2
    This is too advanced Russian for me. Is she saying he is not sufficiently professional for the job? Could anyone summarize?
    As for Zhirinovsky I can't help wondering what that liquid in his glass is. And it doesn't seem very smart to attack one of the most popular artists of the country on the biggest TV channel just before trying to win an election.

    After watching Zhirinovsky I get a bit worried - he seems unstable. What if he somehow bacame president?
    Why do people like him? He seems really unsympathetic.

  3. #3
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    Zhirinovsky is a professional squabbler, and a charismatic one
    He is making all the efforts not to become the president - I think, deliberately.
    He is content with being the leader of a successful party and enjoys his life.
    BTW, he is highly educated, speaks many languages (Wikipedia states English, French, German and Turkish - proof for Turkish) and has reasoned opinions on political issues (he can speak calmly - look for his interviews ).
    But apparently he likes his "bully" image and sustains it on purpose.

  4. #4
    zxc is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    This is too advanced Russian for me. Is she saying he is not sufficiently professional for the job? Could anyone summarize?
    As for Zhirinovsky I can't help wondering what that liquid in his glass is. And it doesn't seem very smart to attack one of the most popular artists of the country on the biggest TV channel just before trying to win an election.
    I don't understand some of it myself. But I can try to give a rundown (I have some questions of my own, though, so someone with a bit more understanding can help us out).

    From what I gathered, Pugacheva was pretty much asking a loaded question. Seems to me like she was trolling him--she went into this prelude where she said he was a mark of shame on Russia, said he behaved inappropriately, called him a liar, uneducated (I think), and then finally her "question" was whether he would change this type of behavior as President (or I think she literally said something like course of actions, so I'm not sure whether she's just talking about his behavior in general or something specific that I don't know about).

    They go through this back and forth a while and he keeps telling her to shut up, and at one point tells her she asked a question, he's going to answer it as he sees fit and if she doesn't like it she can leave. I'm inclined to agree with him--although he does seem a bit unstable, it comes off to me (although keep in mind I don't know the full context, I don't know much about this guy at all) that she was just trying to chew him out in public without really providing anything to the political discourse. I'm not a fan of celebrity activism when it's not carried out in any kind of productive manner. They go back and forth, she calls him a clown, says he's crazy. At one point he says "Вы, артисты, как последние проститутки ложитесь под любого руководителя за деньги."

    I'm not sure, but I don't think he's actually calling her a prostitute, but just using it as more of a figurative part of speech? I'm just not sure what he's implying.

    At one point the guy hosting it tells Alla that according to the rules of the forum it's Zhirinovskiy's turn to speak, and Zhirinovskiy's pipes up that Alla doesn't know the rules, she didn't read them. He says she only has one rule--to change husbands every five minutes.

    Also, not on this video but another that keeps going, I think later she calls him a pedophile? I think he pretty much says that artists are lazy (I think he literally said they never get out of bed) and then she retorts something like "a вы в бане с молодыми мальчиками сидите". I can't really think of a reason other than accusing him of pedophilia (or maybe just having sex with young guys) for saying he sits at bath houses with young boys, but I don't really know the full context here.

    Oh, and I almost forgot. Perhaps someone here can clear up the part where she says:
    "Я веду себя как певица--а не как певичка..."

    What's the difference between певица and певичка? Do they both mean singer, with певичка just carrying a note of derision with it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by zxc View Post
    Oh, and I almost forgot. Perhaps someone here can clear up the part where she says:
    "Я веду себя как певица--а не как певичка..."

    What's the difference between певица and певичка? Do they both mean singer, with певичка just carrying a note of derision with it?
    You're right. Alla Pugacheva considers herself "the prima donna" of Russian pop music. Zhirinovsky is deliberately trying to insult her by using dimunitive word "певичка" which can't be applied to such a renowned singer as she. Zhirinovsky likes to use ad hominem aguments and insults almost everyone who argues with him
    Also he answers that his straightforwardness is his virtue, no matter how offending his words may be.

    Quote Originally Posted by zxc View Post
    At one point he says "Вы, артисты, как последние проститутки ложитесь под любого руководителя за деньги."

    I'm not sure, but I don't think he's actually calling her a prostitute, but just using it as more of a figurative part of speech? I'm just not sure what he's implying.
    He is implying that artists of all kinds tend to publicly support politician who gave them more money
    BTW, scores of artists starred in Putin TV ads, several artists appeared in Prohorov ads, but I have not seen any artist in Zhirinovsky ads - maybe that's the reason why Zhirinovsky is so angry with them?

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    Quote Originally Posted by xdns View Post
    He is implying that artists of all kinds tend to publicly support politician who gave them more money
    Can't say he's far from the truth. In fact, if we imagine a hypothetic situation when he wins the elections, I wouldn't be much surprised to see all of them lick his ass afterwards.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Why do people like him?
    Yes, that's strange for me too, because what he's done for the country is totally nothing. Absoutely. As for Pugacheva, there was a joke in the soviet times: Brezhnev is a minor political figure of the Pugacheva epoch.

    I think this her song corresponds the situation about Zhirinovskiy better than her qustion. (The first public performance of Pugacheva, 1975):

    Алла Пугачева 76_Арлекино - YouTube
    English Edition

    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

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    Quote Originally Posted by zxc View Post
    Also, not on this video but another that keeps going, I think later she calls him a pedophile? I think he pretty much says that artists are lazy (I think he literally said they never get out of bed) and then she retorts something like "a вы в бане с молодыми мальчиками сидите". I can't really think of a reason other than accusing him of pedophilia (or maybe just having sex with young guys) for saying he sits at bath houses with young boys, but I don't really know the full context here.
    Nice summary!
    An adjective "молодой" is never used in relation to children. In this context it means "young men". A young boy (as in "a child") will translate into "маленький мальчик".

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    I like Zhirinovsky, he's very funny. If I want to laugh, then I go to YouTube and I look video with him. But I don't want to see him as president. Just funnyman

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    What a hell Pugacheva are reached into politics? )))

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eledhwen View Post
    What a hell Pugacheva are reached into politics? )))
    А погуглить?

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