kalinka, let me tell you a story. Two guys R and U are roommates. Their relationship is complex. In part, because U has recently knocked down to death one of R's business partners (let's call him H) and took over his business. And it's true that U has some trouble getting along with some of H's wives and therefore regularly gets it on his head with a pan, but still ...

One day, R comes home just to find a box mounted over his bed. The following conversation takes place:

R: Hey! What's that? Who put that box over my bed?
U: Never mind, it's mine. Don't worry.
R: And why is that over my bed?
U: Simple. You see that black bird wants to fly through our window and hurt me. So, I have a small hammer to scare the bird off. And I store that hammer in the box over your bed.
R: But why is that over MY bed? Put it over YOURS if you want!
U: Well, the window has an opening by your side of the room.
R: I can't care less! How would you feel if I put my box over your bed?
U: You kidding! You can't really do that. The opening is by your side of the room.
R: But I don't care about the bird! And what had that bird done to you anyways?
U: It looks evil. Besides, it wants to eat that funny little snake.
R: But that snake is poisonous! And it said clearly it will sting the bird before it could even fly!
U: Yeah! That's my snake! Isn't it funny?
R: You know, I don't care too much about the bird. You buy my oil. We're friends. I don't feel comfortable having this thing over my head. What if it falls down at night?
U: Not with my high-tech screws! Sleep tight!
R: But why don't you go out and just kill the bloody bird?
U: Yeah, I think I should do it too.
R: Then, no box over my head?
U: Sorry, the box stays.
R: Dude! That doesn't make any sense! I'm cool with the bird and the bird is cool with me. It's YOU who have an issue here. I don't want to be involved!
U: You wouldn't. Don't worry. I'm buying your oil. We're friends. Sleep tight.
R: But H was also your friend! I clearly remember you were buying oil from H too and even more! You and H used to try and catch that bird together some time back! What happened? The dude is now a permanent client of Mount Pleasant! Can't you see my point?
U: Not really. I don't see how all that involves you in any manner.
R: The hammer, moron! The hammer over my bed!
U: It's because the bird ...
R: Whoa! Wait a minute! Is that what you really want to do? Knock me with that hammer?
U: What harm a small hammer could ever do to you? You're working out every day!
R: I don't know! Maybe you will replace the hammer with a knife. Maybe you will use the hammer to knock my nerves by the knee so I couldn't fight you back. Too many "maybe!" Given the history with H, I don't want to take on that risk.
U: Nah! Nothing of that could ever happen. I'm buying your oil. We're friends. Stop being paranoid!
R: Easy of you to say! No one keeps a hammer over YOUR head. And you didn't let me do it some time ago, remember? We almost started fighting that day. And also I see you bought more boxes!
U: Stop being paranoid. Sleep tight. We're friends. Don't be chicken.
R: I'm sick and tired of that talk! If you don't get down that box in ten minutes I will dismantle it myself!
U: I dare you to knock it down.
R: So, you think I'm chicken, huh? I'll take your box with all your high-tech screws and stick it in your ***!
U: You talk like that to your mama, *******!
R: ******* your ***! I'm gonna ****** your ****** with your ****** ****** bird and your ******* ******* and ********, ********!
U: You wanna piece of me?
R: I want the whole of ya!

Kalinka, ты думаешь оно того стоит?