Про то, как американцы "не знали".

Вот доклад компании Stratfor
(ещё эту компанию называют "тенвым ЦРУ"), кто не в курсе, чем занимается эта компания - погуглите немного:

Полный доклад здесь:

The United States is Georgia’s closest ally. It maintained about 130 military advisers in Georgia, along with civilian advisers, contractors involved in all aspects of the Georgian government and people doing business in Georgia. It is inconceivable that the Americans were unaware of Georgia’s mobilization and intentions. It is also inconceivable that the Americans were unaware that the Russians had deployed substantial forces on the South Ossetian frontier.


How could the United States not be aware of the Russians?


It is very difficult to imagine that the Georgians launched their attack against U.S. wishes.


The first is a massive breakdown in intelligence, in which the United States either was unaware of the existence of Russian forces, or knew of the Russian forces but — along with the Georgians — miscalculated Russia’s intentions. The second is that the United States, along with other countries, has viewed Russia through the prism of the 1990s, when the Russian military was in shambles and the Russian government was paralyzed.


The United States has not seen Russia make a decisive military move beyond its borders since the Afghan war of the 1970s-1980s. The Russians had systematically avoided such moves for years. The United States had assumed that the Russians would not risk the consequences of an invasion.


The Russians knew the United States would denounce their attack. This actually plays into Russian hands. The more vocal senior leaders are, the greater the contrast with their inaction, and the Russians wanted to drive home the idea that American guarantees are empty talk.

В общем, почитайте, это не пропаганда, это анализ ситуации, что называется "Для служебного пользования". Этот доклад не будут цитировать по телевизору.