Why Putin is an enemy of Russian nation, Russian patriotic movements and Russian state.

I. Putin is an enemy of Russian nation

1. During 8 years of Putin`s reign, number of ethnic Russians in Russia shrinked by 8 millions. Annual demographic losses are the same as in 1990`s, when Yeltsin was in power and when Russia didn`t have huge profits from oil and gas export. Number of officially registered abortions is stable, about 2 millions per year. Quality of medical care significantly dropped, free state medicine is almost destroyed and substituted by commercial medicine. Vast majority of Russian citizens can`t afford it.

2. During Putin`s reign, dozens of people with capitals above $ 1 bln legalized their money. In Yeltsin`s time, there were only 7 people with such capitals. Now their numbers increased tenfold. At the same time, life of at least 2/3 of Russians is still at levels of just physical survival.

3. By changing immigration laws, Putin opened borders for millions of non-white immigrants. Many non-native societies were formed in Russian cities. They are terrorizing local indigenous population with help from Putin`s prot