What do you think about Wikileaks?


Is it:

a) An honest site that publishes any and all controversial information about governments and corporations in the interest of people and justice across the world...

b) Publishing fake information about states and governments (knowingly or un-knowingly...)

c) A double-bluff; sponsored by US interests and only releasing selective damaging information to increase its credibility now, but with the objective of spreading disinformation later (popular conspiracy theory...)

d) Something else?


The recent Afghanistan leaks certainly confirmed my own feeling that the war there is totally immoral and wrong for a number of reasons.

On the other hand, it also "revealed" involvement of Iran and Pakistan supporting the Taliban; which apparently is information that suits the interests of war hawks in the US and UK...

Plus; if this is really as serious a security leak as is being claimed, then it's pretty surprising that the USA hasn't done anything about it; There are lots of things it could do, and it's not as if bribes and asassinations are new methods to the CIA.

Everything that I've read about Wikileaks is mysterious and shrouded in uncertainty. Not sure what to think.

What do other people think about Wikileaks?