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Thread: Wikileaks?

  1. #1


    What do you think about Wikileaks?


    Is it:

    a) An honest site that publishes any and all controversial information about governments and corporations in the interest of people and justice across the world...

    b) Publishing fake information about states and governments (knowingly or un-knowingly...)

    c) A double-bluff; sponsored by US interests and only releasing selective damaging information to increase its credibility now, but with the objective of spreading disinformation later (popular conspiracy theory...)

    d) Something else?


    The recent Afghanistan leaks certainly confirmed my own feeling that the war there is totally immoral and wrong for a number of reasons.

    On the other hand, it also "revealed" involvement of Iran and Pakistan supporting the Taliban; which apparently is information that suits the interests of war hawks in the US and UK...

    Plus; if this is really as serious a security leak as is being claimed, then it's pretty surprising that the USA hasn't done anything about it; There are lots of things it could do, and it's not as if bribes and asassinations are new methods to the CIA.

    Everything that I've read about Wikileaks is mysterious and shrouded in uncertainty. Not sure what to think.

    What do other people think about Wikileaks?

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Re: Wikileaks?

    ... could become as important a journalistic tool
    as the Freedom of Information Act.
    — Time Magazine

    If it's endorsed by a magazine as entrenched in the establishement as Time, you won't find anything there that the would upset the PTBs. The best disinformation contains some truth.
    Кому - нары, кому - Канары.

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Wikileaks?

    Shoot Julian Assange. But seriously, I think that there are some political forces in U.S. which gains political profit from this publishing.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  4. #4

    Re: Wikileaks?

    Here is the latest about Wikileaks, in case it interests anyone!

    Julian Assange has spent quite a bit of time in Sweden (because the Wikileaks servers are based there). Last week I read that he will be writing a monthly column in the most popular evening paper in Sweden.

    But just after he left Sweden it turns out that two different women are accussing him of having raped them...! So now he is wanted in Sweden for questioning by the police and the rape accusations are quickly spreading in media...!

    He himself is saying that he has expected to become the subject of blackpainting in one way or another and that these accusations are exactly in line with what he had expected. I.e. information war against him, or wikileaks.

    I really don't believe he raped anyone and I'd love to know what's really going on.

  5. #5
    This is such a fascinating story:

    The "real" Wikileaks server (in Sweden) had been under DDos attack by "computers controlled by a foreign power" for over a week.

    It was hosted for a while by Amazon which felt pressured to stop hosting it... Right now it is in Switzerland.

    Regular Americans are saying that Julian Assange should be asassinated. Charming... He's doing them a favour increasing the transparency of how their government operates.

    The accusation of rape against Assange is still pending. Personally I don't believe a word of it. Meanwhile Assange is in rural United Kingdom, no doubt under surveillance by a at least two different security services (UK and US).

    I am still not entirely convinced it's not a double bluff; but probably not!

    All this is for telling the public what their "democratically electected" governments are doing..
    Americans need to know; just like Russians, Iranians, Europeans and anyone else.

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Speaking of which...
    Anyone actually succeeded in reaching I've been trying for days. It says DNS error. So I'm asking -- HAS ANYONE ACTUALLY BEEN TO THIS SITE?

    I'm hearing all kinds of news lately about it -- I think there would soon be all kinds of news rumors spreading over by the media claiming to have taken this from wikileaks.

    Generally, I think it's a good idea and we need more sites like wikileaks but there's a problem -- who's going to tell us where are the facts and where is the BS? What new facts did we really learn from wikileaks? Anything that hasn't been known or at least suspected before? Only confirmation, nothing more.

    But regardless of my doubts I think wikileaks begins a new era in politics. The thought that they can't hide the facts from their people anymore will be refreshing for the politicians. Since I detest and despise every politician in the world I wish all the luck to Julian Assange though I don't think he'll last for very long.
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  7. #7
    is accessible to me but very slow. Could it be blocked in Russia for some reason?
    EDIT: Now it is NOT accessible - the content is not available.

    EDIT: Wikileaks Paypal accounts have been frozen.

    It's been DDOSed by <someone> ever since the leak of the US cables - so it is not always accessible.

    The site gets attacked or forced down everywhere they go.

    The problem they have is that the US is in charge of pretty much all DNS resolution and with the co-operation of the ICANN etc they can make almost any site inaccessible if they want. So Wikileaks is asking people to mirror the site and bookmark the IP address instead of the alphabetic URL.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikileaks front page
    The cables show the extent of US spying on its allies and the UN; turning a blind eye to corruption and human rights abuse in "client states"; backroom deals with supposedly neutral countries; lobbying for US corporations; and the measures US diplomats take to advance those who have access to them.
    This document release reveals the contradictions between the US’s public persona and what it says behind closed doors – and shows that if citizens in a democracy want their governments to reflect their wishes, they should ask to see what’s going on behind the scenes.

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Completely agree with you! Unless that happens the internet will be censored sooner or later and reduced to a useless commercial mess where you have to pay for speed and decent (commerical) content.

    I hope that there are enough smart people to support this and somebody who could figure out a way to make it work.

  10. #10
    Почтенный гражданин delog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    Anyone actually succeeded in reaching
    English as a Second Language by Jeff McQuillan and Lucy Tse.

  11. #11
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    but there's a problem -- who's going to tell us where are the facts and where is the BS? What new facts did we really learn from wikileaks? Anything that hasn't been known or at least suspected before? Only confirmation, nothing more.
    The volume is important. There are a great number of materials which can be checked and cross-checked from many sources - this is the confirmation. And it allows thorough research to get new facts etc. for everybody who would like to spend time. So even if it is no cheap sensation, it provides transparency.

    Quote Originally Posted by delog View Post
    It works from Ukraine, but no domain name. And no ping, failed tracert. Yeah, it looks like DDos wars.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  12. #12
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by it-ogo View Post
    The volume is important. There are a great number of materials which can be checked and cross-checked from many sources - this is the confirmation. And it allows thorough research to get new facts etc. for everybody who would like to spend time. So even if it is no cheap sensation, it provides transparency.
    Don't get me wrong. I LIKE the idea. I can even say I'm imressed. But I'm afraid that this phenomenon will soon be exploited. Who's going to conduct a serious research? Tens, maybe hundreds out of millions. Sites like wikileaks will multiply then someone might find a way to make some money out of it and then tons of BS will bury the real facts.
    For now, I can only hope people will think twice before they believe anything their governments are saying. Well, if people knew how to think it would have been a better world.
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  13. #13
    • Paypal VISA and MasterCard have stopped access for donations to Wikileaks.

    • Julian Assange's account with the Post bank in Switzerland was frozen.

    • He is now in custody with the British police because of the rape accusations by some two Swedish women.

    Don't we have wonderful democracy and freedom of speech in the EU today? [irony]. You try to give some news that really matter, and this is what happens.

    I wonder if there is any country that would give Assange political asylum?

    I guess it was not a double bluff after all... America never jokes about money...

  14. #14
    Omg, I have read the fully story of the "rapes" now. How absolutely pathetic from beginning to end:

    1) 100% nobody was raped; the problem is related to some kind of mild sexual misconduct. Both of the women quite voluntarily had sex with him because they were "fans" of his.
    2) They got angry when they realised that he had slept with both of them but wasn't serious about either of them, and filed a complaint about sexual misconduct relating to the fact that the condom burst during sex. (is that somehow criminal??)
    3) The main accuser is a woman who is a university lecturer, an extremist feminist, plus a member of the Socialist brotherhood organisation. She is known for having been deported from Cuba on grounds of feminist agitation (rofl) and meeting up with some anti-regime Americans, while on Cuba.

    On her blog, she's got a section of how to get revenge on unfaithful boyfriends.
    I guess that getting them unfairly deported to the USA on terrorist charges would be the ultimate revenge! On the morning after the "rape" she posted on Twitter about her nice breakfast on town with Assange, and how she bought train tickets for him. This was before she found out that her friend had also slept with him, and decided to make the claim against him. She's now off to the West Bank - I'd watch it with the guys there if I was her, I heard they are not exactly pro-feminist.

    Assange is a kind of modern day hero ; thanks goodness there is no substance to the rape accusations.

  15. #15
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    All he needs now is a death sentence or assasination (or at least an attempt on his life). He'll be a martyr and will gain millions' hearts.
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  16. #16
    Почтенный гражданин delog's Avatar
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    Некая хакерская группировка проводит "операцию Расплата" и приглашает всех сочувствующих поучаствовать используя LOIC.
    Читать далее>>

    A certain hacker group are conducting "Operation Payback" and invites all sympathizers to participate using LOIC
    Read more>>
    English as a Second Language by Jeff McQuillan and Lucy Tse.

  17. #17
    The only way to give money to Wikileaks now, is with Flattr - the new MicroPayment functionality from the Pirate Bay guys.

    I have a Flattr account, so I went there to donate some money. But couldn't find where.

    I wonder how much money it actually costs to keep Wikileaks running...?

  18. #18
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    Wikileaks is not cheap to run. Hosting and servers must be one million euros. I guess that also they pay for some of the information they get. Plus office, electricity, computers, travelling expenses... pizza Seriously, it's not cheap. But Im sure that some people/goverment/company will eventually give a good cash injection to keep to ball rolling.

  19. #19
    Почтенный гражданин capecoddah's Avatar
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    How cool would wikileaks be if he published all your confidential e-mails? I'd like to see his.

    I seem to remember someone changed their on-line name here so their boss wouldn't find her... A "hero" is he leaked that information?

    What if Wiki-Boy leaked diplomatic cables from Russia? Can you say Polonium?

    What do diplomats from (fill in the blank) have to say about Americans or other countries? What would you think if your country's information was handed out? Is he still a "hero"?

    I see an Anti-American narcissistic hacker.
    I'm easily amused late at night...

  20. #20
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    It's still a significant appearance. I don't mind my emails in public eye -- there's nothing special in them ))) Nothing that would harm me anyway. I'm a paranoid and encrypt everything important and I prefer to conduct business as anonymously as possible. Still, as I said -- the appearance of wikileaks indicates that no information is personal. No such thing as 'privacy' will exist soon. You may like it or not -- this will happen anyway. It'll be a new feeling for people. They will have to adapt. So, just in case -- I recommend clear your computers and maintain them in order. Every personal secret can be made available to public even now. The fact that yours are still 'secrets' means that they don't stir anyone's interest right now. There will be hundreds of wikileaks' in a number of years so the governments will have to adapt to a new reality. It may even be that they might want to play a fair game for a change. (Yes, I know, I'm only a naive dreamer )
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