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Thread: Visa and Mastercard boycott Crimea - how big a problem? Mainland Russia next?

  1. #1

    Visa and Mastercard boycott Crimea - how big a problem? Mainland Russia next?

    I read that the people of Crimea are being punished for voting "wrong" in the referendum there. People and businesses on Crimea will be banned from using Visa and Mastercard.

    How democratic of the USA.

    Now Crimeans can't use Visa or Mastercard! I suppose it also means that you can't pay for hotels with Visa or Mastercard - a big problem for an area that is dependent on tourism.... Or?

    How can Crimea handle this, as part of the Russian Federation. Does Russia have some domestic alternative payment card....?

    How will people who are used to paying with card handle this? What about paying online for a holiday in Crimea?

    With Cold War 2.0 in full swing, how long until this affects the rest of Russia too - what effects will it have, is Russia prepared?

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    right now the issue is not big, because most of the tourism starts not earlier than spring time. It might become an issue but I think this will be solved one way or another. Most of the tourists come from Russia and Ukraine, so I guess Russian card system is to be used

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    По сравнению с отключением электричества и водоснабжения Крыма Украиной проблема с карточками совсем не проблема. Заморозить деньги на счетах держателей карт платежные системы не могут - счета принадлежат банкам, а не платежным системам. Люди просто придут в банк и снимут наличные в кассе. Собственных платежных систем в России в начале 2000-х годов была целая куча, но большинство из них не выдержало конкуренции с мировыми системами "Visa" и "Mastercard" и либо закрылись, либо влекут весьма жалкое существование. Можно ли, взяв за основу одну из этих систем, построить национальную систему? Конечно можно, но, правительство почему-то не хочет торопиться в решении этого вопроса.
    Что же касается туристов... Возьмут с собой в поездку побольше наличных, тем более, что большая часть жилья в Крыму и так сдавалась за наличные.
    Hanna and Antonio1986 like this.

  4. #4
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SergeMak View Post
    По сравнению с отключением электричества и водоснабжения Крыма Украиной ...
    26.12.2014 | 19:39
    Украина возобновила поставки электроэнергии в оккупированный Крым : Новости УНИАН
    Hanna likes this.

  5. #5
    Hopefully this has proven to Russia and the other BRICS the need to develop a payment system that is not dependent of the goodwill of the US. The rest of the world need this too, and Bitcoin is not yet mature enough, and too complex for most.

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    And... how many systems we will have in the end?
    BTW, we already have a mature system:
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    "Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by maxmixiv View Post
    And... how many systems we will have in the end?
    BTW, we already have a mature system:
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    What's the system? Sberbank?

    I wouldn't mind if an alternative system became available in Europe.
    All systems available here are totally in the hands of US interests and CIA.
    If they don't like somebody, they'll stop them from receiving payments.

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    26 декабря 2014
    Украина прекращает железнодорожное сообщение с Крымом - BBC Ukrainian
    "Также с пятницы будет действовать запрет на перевозку грузов между материковой Украиной и Крымом."

    Украинские поезда и автобусы перестают ходить в Крым - BBC Russian
    "Автомобильным перевозчикам и владельцам автобусных станций направлены письма с требованием прекратить с 26 декабря продажу билетов и перевозку пассажиров на автобусных маршрутах в направлении Автономной Республики Крым."

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by maxmixiv View Post
    And... how many systems we will have in the end?
    BTW, we already have a mature system:
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    Unionpay card as in Maxmixivs post.
    I just remember that I once implemented it as a payment method on an ecommerce site for work. However I believed at the time that it was some dodgy Western Union type arrangement. Turns out it's an alternative to Visa Mastercard and Amex.

    I'd recommend free thinking people to get this card asap. It's always good to be an early adopter of stuff like this. Since there is no fee, there is nothing to lose from getting it.
    Then start paying with it as often as you can and don't use Visa and Mastercard unless you have to.

    China is not my favourite country on the planet, but right now I'd rather use their system than the one that the US is using to silence and punish people, and groups they don't like.

  10. #10
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    Then start paying with it as often as you can and don't use Visa and Mastercard unless you have to.
    We can pay with cash, can't we?
    Кэш рулит!
    "Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."

  11. #11
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    It is a problem until Russia will launch in April new National Payment system. From what I heard they already signed a deal with Visa and Mastercard.

  12. #12
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    I am in Crimea. In March (before the National system was launched) I easily got cash from my MasterCard and Visa here. Now, in April, everything is okay too.
    Not any bank can serve these cards though. But it's not a problem.

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