One thing has always been so amusing for me. While people talk a lot about women hating women (because one has got better man, education, vehicle, cloths (or bigger boobs ) - the genuine hatred often happens between men as well.

1:20 его гоняют там, как вшивого по бане, по всему миру сейчас действующие власти, грузинские - не по нашей инициативе (sure.... ), мы здесь совершенно ни при чем, и даже не дают ему визу рабочую в США, насколько я знаю. Я в свое время его уговаривал, "Михаил Ник-ч, не надо этого делать, ни в коем случае, не начинайте боевых действий" - "нет, нет, ни в коем случае" - и начал. Результат известен.

That`s a real trash-talking. He has got so much problems in Russia to solve but instead - finds time to mock someone like that.

Of course, these claims have got nothing in common with reality. Now, since Saakashvili is not a president any longer - he travels a lot, spent last year in the USA, giving lectures at law school (Михаил Саакашвили получил работу в США, он будет читать лекции | Политика | Новости-Грузия), recieveing prizes for his efforts (, being a welcome guest in Ukraine and other European countries.

To make a long story short for those who are not aware: there are only two types of governments for Kremlin: someone who can be bought and enemies. When Saakashvili has denied to be another corrupted post-soviet country controlled by Russia - he became "enemy". Moreover, this is a person who was able just in several years to turn Georgia from one of the most dangerous and corrupted ex-Soviet Union sattelites (in 2003) into comparably safe and european one (2009-).

(Transparancy comparison (1 is best): Russia #136, Georgia #50 2014 Corruption Perceptions Index -- Results)
Homicide Rate (per 100 000): Russia 9.2 Georgia 4.3 List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Just notice that Georgia never had so much oil like Russia!


Tbilisi (the capital)

Moreover, Mishiko (like Georgians call him) is tall, good looking in his mid-40s married to a beautiful wife of Netherlands origin.

And Putin hates him so much.

Unfortunately, his party lost the elections in 2012 (taking 45 % of votes against 55%), since half of the georgians (not the brightest part) don`t especially like him and wanted to try someone else. During the last two years, Georgia began its slow descent under pro-Kremlin oligarch Ivanishvili back into Soviet Union darkness again...

But I believe that he will become a president of Georgia again and will be able to continue his democratic course.

Since it is forbidden to discuss Ukraine - please stay close to the topic.