This OP is seriously wonky and I have a few questions.

1. If Saakashvili isn't corrupt then why do they want him arrested in Georgia?
2. I'm a lot "better looking" than him. Does that mean I will never be corrupt and will always be a good leader?
3. Are all people that aren't "good looking" and don't have "beautiful" wives corrupt and bad leaders?
4. Why did he defect to another country? I can understand why he isn't in Georgia but I really don't get how he can change his loyalty.
5. How much does he cost?
6. If we buy him, can we appoint him as the new governor of New York City?
7. How much did he pay for his wife?
8. Should Justin Bieber be a presidential candidate in 2016?

President Vladimir Putin has never had to flee Russia. And he was born in Russia. He didn't kill a lot of people in South Osettia - that was Saakashvili who has a lot of blood on his hands. Also, Putin has never accepted money, from the US, to become a traitor.
Putin chose to always be a loyal Russian. Saakashvili is loyal to any country that can afford him.
One last question. How is "appointing" a governor democratic?
Who knows? Maybe next year Saakashvili will be a governor in Slovenia or France.

Btw, I can find awesome photos of Detroit and even the police in Detroit... that were taken while most of Detroit looked like a war zone.