I enjoy learning russian and have visited this site many times. I did not feel the need to join the forum, but I assume it is good to use now. I just wanted to address the topic "Americans hate Russia", but knew the topic is extended to a point where what I would say is not read.

For the first part, Americans don't hate Russia, as then none of the Americans here would want to learn the Russian language and culture. You are obviously not American because you are trying to make low blows at them.

For the second part, this is a political section of a forum meant to discuss politics with Russia and its culture. NOT if you think the French were the reason that the Americans are liberated and independent. And if this is the case, please have your information corerect, as the French came in for the last battle of the revolutionary war, and it is a fact that they did not spearhead the battle and they fought on the same level of the Americans. They did NOT make any impact on victory because it was quoted by a British General that the Americans won "..not because they outskilled us, but because they outspied us.." The Americans already knew the plans of the British, so the French had no major role.

But I somewhat remember that Britian, US, and Russia had to bail some certain European countries out of a little problem called Nazi occupation. But, you know, its not like anyone should be thankful for the US and Britian practically fighting WWII FOR you. And Russia was our close ally there that helped tremendously.

Third of all, why in the world would the USA attack Russia when we give them Billions of dollars to help make Capitalism work?

I hate to make a topic as such that has to raise anger, but I wish some people would get the facts straight and not make an opinion for someone that, well, they are not.