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My humble opinion is that Russia was very lucky to have Putin as a president. I like him.
I (as foreigner) think that Russia needs somebody as Poetin. A great leader, maybe a little bit hard-handed but strong and with a vision. It's not easy to steer such a big country.
I also think that he's still the president (but behind the curtains :wink: )
yeah. RIP Anna Politkovskaya.
Thanks for defending Chechen warlords. You're the best :!:
"Warlord?"..yeah, i'm pretty sure the woman never killed anybody! Not to mention, I was remarking on how her death was swallowed up into controversy over whether the government was involved. I believe in freedom of speech without censorship, and that people should be able to say what they want without the fear of being murdered. Which is why I wrote that. Thankyou! :)
Well stated.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dogboy182
Thank you, man!
Words can kill.Quote:
yeah, i'm pretty sure the woman never killed anybody!
It seems that people pay more attention to the "RIP" fragment than they do the question I asked. I just wrote that as an aside to the topic. I stand by what I said though. No matter what she said, she didn't deserve to die for it. Hitler could've chanted "I hate Jews" all day and that's an UGLY thing to say, but he should have the freedom to say it. By the way, that's a very cheap statement. "Words can kill." Human life is to precious to mingle with figurative language like that. People Kill People (albeit sometimes at the orders of someone else,) then hide behind words and use ambiguous logic to justify the means.
Yes, people kill people. That's why she now lies dead. Not much of a loss though. Good riddance I'd say. Or were you personally related to her in any way?
:) I don't know kind of a person she was; kind or cruel.
Yep, sure am. That's great-aunt Politkovskaya. :P That's a big Negative.
Oh then you better believe me she was a criminal of the highest standard. She pretty much deserved what happened to her. :-)
I've never believed her had been killed by orders of Putin or some other government official.Quote:
Originally Posted by zolotojrebenok
While I don't doubt a single second that her murder was politically motivated I believe that she was killed by orders of ... shall we say - someone, who WANTED to make it appear as if it was that 'murderous bloody Putin' who ordered it.
Politkovskaya, despite her image as the 'righteous and fearless crier of truth in the sea of lies', was never taken seriously by the majority of the Russians. Her denunciations were weak and mostly oriented for western autitory since no sane Russian would believe her made-up horror stories.
The FACTS were against her publications which never seemed to be important for her supporters in the west.
Politkovskaya didn't (and couldn't) do any harm to Putin or anyone in Russia.
There's more. She was associated with Mr. Berezovsky(who, I believe, is the one who stood behind her murder). Berezovsky is a complete ratfink and is very well known for his associations with the Chechen terrorists and his feud with Putin. Politkovskaya outlived her usefullness (or was trying to blackmail him), in any case, her death was very convenient to Berezovsky. And I always suspect the one who really gains from the crime.
Returning to your main question about Putin.
I admit, he's a great politician who made much for Russia to become strong. I agree that he's a charismatic leader who brought back the sence of national pride to the Russians.
Still, I also think, that he did make a number of mistakes, his office gave growth to bureacracy and his main fault IMHO was allowing the 'United Russia' (which I consider the main threat for the continued well-being of my country) to gain so such influence.
Nevertheless, my opinion on him is rather positive.
VERY informative :!: Thanks for your opinion, too, Ramil. :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Ramil
Ramil, +100.
A bit of trivia about Politkovskaya case:
Currently, this case is investigated quite well (and most of facts are already known).
From 10 persons arrested for organising murder, there are only 3 russians. And all other are chechens. ;) Here is the full list:
- Alexey Berkin
- Dmitriy Lebedev
- Tamerlan Makhmudov
- Jabrail Makhmudov
- Ibrahim Makhmudov
- Oleg Alimov
- Magomed Dimelkhanov
- Akhmed Isayev
- Sergey Khadzhikurbanov
- Dmitriy Grachev
And, finally, supposed murderer: Rustam Makhmudov.
Not arrested -- because he is hiding somewhere in Europe.
And the funnyest part: Europe seems to do *nothing at all* to find and arrest him.
Well I'm pretty sure that she is more famous dead than she ever was alive as a smear journalist. And really who cares?
She wasn't even Russian anyways. She was born in New york... So who cares?
Well guess what, I'm sure she is happy now that she can hold hands and be friends with all her buddies Basaev, Dzjokar, Khatab, and the rest of the retard gang. So really? Who cares? Be happy for her.
Quote from Wikipedia
"Reports from Chechnya-
Outside Russia, Politkovskaya received wide acclaim for her work in Chechnya,[6] "
So now all of a sudden Chechnya just isn't a part of Russia? Mission accomplished!
I liked Putin. Excluding the fact he kissed the boy in his stummy, he was a great leader. The leader of the largest contry in the world which never did anything which caused a scandal about his person. Klinton, Bush, Sarcosi, HM Queen of England - everyone has their sceleton in their cases. If Putin has it too he never revealed it. I liked him because I trusted him, perhaps he did mistakes but he never said any wrong word. He made his best as a president. My family became a low middle class with Putin. While we were below this line before.
You know, I never could understand a hysterical reaction to this tummy kiss. I still remember the times when you could kiss a kid without being labeled as a pedophile. Am I too old? :lol:Quote:
Originally Posted by Leof
:lol: I wonder if it's been planned by his PR team or not. The boy will remember that though. Probably for the rest of his life.Quote:
Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
I had thought you were a young woman from reading your posts. :) People just have perverse minds. Putin wasn't a pedophile...at least I hope not. I wonder if it was planned, too.Quote:
Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
О Путине и его детище ЕР.
Так ловко стали пресмыкаться
Сейчас в чиновничьих кругах,
Что могут с легкостью сморкаться
Посредством пальцев на ногах
(И. Губерман - Гарик № 115)
Мне вот интересно, народ так ненавидит Политковскую, потому что это по ОРТ сказали, какая она дрянь, или есть какие то другие причины? Я ее тоже люто ненавидел (марионетка Березоского, поддерживает террористов, ага), а недавно прочитал пару ее книг... Чёрт, а ведь не так уж и врала она, наверно? Что, адмиралы не врали по ТВ во время Курска, или может небыло незаконных захватов предприятий? Или в нашей армии солдаты друг друга не калечат и не убивают?
Что стало с лодкой? Она утонула (tm). :wink: