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Thread: Egypt is goint to be like Iran

  1. #1

    Egypt is goint to be like Iran

    The fact that the “Muslim Brotherhood” member, Mursi, became the president of Egypt, marks the beginning of the domination of Islam and Sharia law on the state.
    Muslim Brotherhood will now try to establish their rule over Egypt.
    The first step would be to make an Islamic majority in the parliament. Then to write the parliament Islamic constitution, all laws shall be based on Sharia. Then Egypt will be completely by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.
    Then, Morsi, will send all the senior generals of the Egyptian army to pension, and replace then with his own people.
    This step completes the takeover of all centers of power in Egypt.
    Egypt will be like Iran. I don’t think that that’s what the Egyptians wanted when they started the Revolution.

  2. #2
    You are just trolling. The Moslem Brotherhood is like moderate/semi-secular Moslem Social Democrats. Do your homework!

    There's nothing radical about them at all. There are several Christian Social Democratic parties in Europe, they are completely mainstream. This is just the Islamic equivalent.

    Anyway, the Egyptians have a right to choose whatever flavour of government they like, and it seems that the majority prefers moderate Islam.
    In case you missed this in school, it's called democracy when there is a general election and the people vote for the type of leadership that they prefer.

    If you need to worry about Islamic Dictatorships, I'd recommend that you turn to Saudi Arabia
    which executes people, chop off their hands, if they steal, and severely restricts the freedom of women, to the extent that they are not trusted to leave the country without the approval of a male relative, drive a car or look after their own children in case of a divorce. Perhaps you should write to your congressman and ask about the special relationship between your country and Saudi Arabia, and what motivates that.

  3. #3
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    You are just trolling. The Moslem Brotherhood is like moderate/semi-secular Moslem Social Democrats. Do your homework!
    No. They are obviously right-wing and conservative. But I agree they are not fundamentalists. They are obviously pro-US, much like Erdogan in Turkey.

  4. #4
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    Strange that you sought out this website to tell Russians and Russian-studying people that little fact. Strange, in my opinion, that it's all you wanted to chat about.

    Egypt has a long history of eschewing pigeonholes of extremity even in a part of the world that often adopts such extremity willingly - if I understand correctly, Egypt has even in the midst of war and religious change several times over remained its own in identity, and moderate, by the loose standards of a comparison against the events of its neighboring lands over the course of a thousand years of history. Then again, I'm no expert, just a book-reader.

    And also, you spelled "going" wrong, as it does not contain a T. Cheers.
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  5. #5
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    Apologies for the double-post, but can anyone fill us in on this in better detail? I combed over wikipedia and I found confusing and contradictory results. The link under "Muslim Brotherhood" details this group as extreme, right-wing, conservative, and exultatous of martyr deaths, which struck me as somewhat alarming personally. On the other hand, the Freedom and Justice Party, where this Morsy individual appears to be involved, seems far more middle-path concerning their values, although still strongly religious, but tempered with politically agreeable language and credos. Yet.. the article said, confusingly, that the FJP will not be offering a candidate in 2012, so the question in the FIRST place that I now have is, why do we expect him to be in control in the future? I'm lost in contradictory data here and I could use an oar.
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  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hagi_baba View Post
    Egypt will be like Iran. I don’t think that that’s what the Egyptians wanted when they started the Revolution.
    LMAO, Does anyone really think that those who arranged that 'revolution' asked (or cared) about what Egyptians might think?
    Revolutions require money. There's no such thing as 'people's wish. The one who gives the money always pursue his own agenda. Pity, very few, it seems, understand that all these 'freedom movements' and 'revolutions' are just a pretty headlines for newspapers, nothing more.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    You are just trolling. The Moslem Brotherhood is like moderate/semi-secular Moslem Social Democrats. Do your homework!

    There's nothing radical about them at all. There are several Christian Social Democratic parties in Europe, they are completely mainstream. This is just the Islamic equivalent.

    Anyway, the Egyptians have a right to choose whatever flavour of government they like, and it seems that the majority prefers moderate Islam.
    In case you missed this in school, it's called democracy when there is a general election and the people vote for the type of leadership that they prefer.

    If you need to worry about Islamic Dictatorships, I'd recommend that you turn to Saudi Arabia
    which executes people, chop off their hands, if they steal, and severely restricts the freedom of women, to the extent that they are not trusted to leave the country without the approval of a male relative, drive a car or look after their own children in case of a divorce. Perhaps you should write to your congressman and ask about the special relationship between your country and Saudi Arabia, and what motivates that.
    I'm aware you do not favor anything having to do with the U.S., that's why obviously you picked Saudi Arabia. Then, I'm aware you'll always be supportive of stinky local dictatorships being absolute outcasts in this world, that's why you said nothing about Iran in that regard. But just in case, let me remind you that Iran still executes people (women mostly) by stoning for adultery (that is, ppl are basically stoned to death for what's actually not even a crime). The politic stuff makes us all prejudiced.

  8. #8
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    Iranian authorities shoot women at stadiums on the presence of tens of thousands of people.
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    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mishau_ View Post
    Iranian authorities shoot women at stadiums on the presence of tens of thousands of people.
    That doesn't surprise me at all.

  10. #10
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    Надо же, а амеры приглашают зрителей полюбоваться на корчащегося на эл. стуле.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mishau_ View Post
    Iranian authorities shoot women at stadiums on the presence of tens of thousands of people.
    Ну и что? Почему вас волнуют именно женщины?

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    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa View Post
    Надо же, а амеры приглашают зрителей полюбоваться на корчащегося на эл. стуле.
    Yeah and what crimes are they put on an electric chair for? Cheating on their wives? I don't think so. Besides, not all states carry out capital punishment.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa View Post
    Надо же, а амеры приглашают зрителей полюбоваться на корчащегося на эл. стуле.
    Тоже стадионы собирают?
    English Edition

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  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    I'm aware you do not favor anything having to do with the U.S., that's why obviously you picked Saudi Arabia. Then, I'm aware you'll always be supportive of stinky local dictatorships being absolute outcasts in this world, that's why you said nothing about Iran in that regard. But just in case, let me remind you that Iran still executes people (women mostly) by stoning for adultery (that is, ppl are basically stoned to death for what's actually not even a crime). The politic stuff makes us all prejudiced.
    You are so predictable...

    The difference between Iran and Saudi Arabia is that Iran has considerably more features of democracy than Saudi Arabia, which is ruled by a King and his council, similar to something straight out of medival times.

    In addition, the entire Western world is raging against Iran, with critical articles a regular feature in the News. Not so for Saudi Arabia, which is rarely mentioned in the news at all. Anything that the Iranian government does wrong is usually blown up and reported for days, across the world. This is my reason for not singling out Iran to critisise. It is already the subject of a massive propaganda war, while Saudi is under the radar.

    Equivalent stories from Saudi are given considerably less airtime:
    Quote Originally Posted by BBC
    Two die during Saudi Arabia protest at Shia cleric arrest

    Eastern Province's Shia majority has long complained of marginalisation

    Continue reading the main story Related Stories

    Two men have been killed in Saudi Arabia during a protest against the arrest of a prominent Shia cleric.
    Activists said Akbar al-Shakuri and Mohammed al-Filfil were shot by police while attending a demonstration in Qatif, a city in Eastern Province.
    Meanwhile, this is an example of the leadership of Saudi Arabia:
    Quote Originally Posted by London Evening Standard
    Saudi prince 'killed manservant after sex attacks'

    A Saudi prince beat his manservant to death in a London hotel after weeks of physical and sexual abuse, the Old Bailey heard today.
    Saud Abdulaziz bin Nasser al Saud, 34, is accused of murdering Bandar Abdulaziz, 32, at the Landmark Hotel in Marylebone in February.

    The prince, a grandson of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, is alleged to have subjected his aide to repeated vicious assaults over several weeks, two of which were caught on the hotel's CCTV.

    Two male escorts also visited the prince's hotel suite and police found evidence on the prince's laptop that he had been visiting gay escort websites.
    Neither of these states appeal to me in the least, but I find Iran ever so slightly less offputting than Saudi.

    There is a not-so-subtle propaganda war against Iran, in preparation for the invasion that the USA is building up to.

    Additionally, Iran is under economic sanctions and boycotts by all of the Western World, while Saudi Arabia is governed by the same Sharia laws but very rarely critisized, not subject to sanctions. Iran has the benefit of actually having independent courts and a reasonably consistent judicial framework, while in Saudi, the King has the last word, just like in the Middle ages.

    But wait - Saudi sells oil to the US and pays in dollars..... Their King also allows US bases on their territory.... So in contrast to Iran, THEY are allowed to be islamic fundamentalists and get away with it! (and btw, as his reason for the 9/11 attacks, bin Laden cited the presence of US bases in Saudi, where he and most of the other attackers came from...)

    I have Iranian refugee friends who have told me about life there, as well as their/their parents' complaints and reasons for leaving. I have friends/relatives who have lived as expats in Saudi, including my sister who spent almost 2 years there, working. So I consider myself reasonably well informed for a non local.

    My opinions aside, my point is, neither you, nor I, Barrack Obama or Hilary Clinton has any business meddling in the affairs of Saudi Arabia, Iran OR Egypt!

    Hagi Baba - If you don't like the new government of Egypt - FINE - you don't have to go there!

    But respect the Egyptians right to choose a government that appeals to them, respect that they have a different culture and religion to you, and that they may not be interested in, or ready for, the type of government that you have in the USA, or we have in the EU.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa View Post
    Надо же, а амеры приглашают зрителей полюбоваться на корчащегося на эл. стуле.

    Haha, well, to be fair, America doesn't use that chair anymore. They use injections which are arguably worse. And, again to be fair, most of us dislike the practice. Everywhere except Texas, as far as I understand.

    We have far more people in our country who die of dual-drug injections that they self-administer by choice, than we do those who are subjected to them against their will.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by mishau_ View Post
    Тоже стадионы собирают?
    А, значит в данном случае размер имеет значение? А как же про беременных, к-рых кое-где выкидывают на улицу?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidkboom View Post
    Haha, well, to be fair, America doesn't use that chair anymore. They use injections which are arguably worse. And, again to be fair, most of us dislike the practice. Everywhere except Texas, as far as I understand.
    Я в курсе. Расовую сегрегацию у вас тоже отменили недавно (еще живы битлы, боровшиеся против нее).

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    Oops - wrong thread, comrade agent! This one is only about Egypt and Iran.
    Ok cowboy, I moved the comment. You can go ahead and spit out the Republican party position /Fox news spin on the matter in the Syria thread now...

  19. #19
    Завсегдатай mishau_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa View Post
    А, значит в данном случае размер имеет значение? А как же про беременных, к-рых кое-где выкидывают на улицу?
    В чем-то согласен, в сравнении с тем, как власти сейчас куражатся, обездолить пару десятков беременных - это просто пустяк какой-то.
    С другой стороны, демагогичная аргументация всегда веселит. Причем тут "амеры"?? Мы говорим о расстреле женщин в Иране на стадионах за измену мужу (кое-где и кое-когда). Это называется "посторонняя аргументация", такой прием в демагогии. Классический пример "А у вас там негров вешали!".
    English Edition

    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

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