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Thread: Afghanistan

  1. #1


    The Independent: Prime Minister Gordon Brown defended Britain's military mission in Afghanistan today, insisting "we cannot, must not and will not walk away".

    In a high-profile speech in London, hastily arranged following a series of British deaths in Afghanistan this week, Mr Brown said the military action in the country was "our first line of defence" against terror attacks at home.
    I never believed in this war, but at least it's not my native country fighting.
    I certainly did not support the USSR going there either, but at least there was a certain degree of logic in wanting order and a friendly regime at ones own national border. But Afghanistan is nowhere near the UK or US.

    How is this war going to "stop terrorism in the UK and the US"?

    If Afghanistan itself was the problem, then a solution would have been a full entry-ban and rejection of all visa applications from Afghans... Then let the MI5 investigate British citizens who travel there for anything other than strictly legit business.. Why the need to go to war?

    If anything, this war seems to have radicalised the extremists further, and no real link with 9/11 has been found. Two rights don't make a wrong, and the civilian population of Afganistan were not responsible for 9/11. Yet, each year of the conflict thousands more civilians have died than people in 9/11.

    Most of the population of continental Europe was horrified and did not support the Afghanistan war at all.

    The man who shot and killed 13 people at a US army base apparently did it to protest the war and his deployment to Afghanistan.

    Why, in your opinion are the US and UK fighting in Afghanistan?

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай mishau_'s Avatar
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    Re: Afghanistan

    As far as I know there was a chain of Anglo-Afghan wars alternated with civil wars and putsches. Whichever goal Americans & Co are pursuing there, I don't think they will end up with a success.
    English Edition

    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Afghanistan

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Why, in your opinion are the US and UK fighting in Afghanistan?
    Afghanistan is a world's top heroin manufacturer. Bush did not pick it at random when they pondered about where to wage war on terrorism. Apparently they weren't satisfied with the production level the unsophisticated Talibs were providing. CIA managed to triple the heroin production since it had taked control over it in Afghanistan.
    Really, now they can do so many wondrous and noble things with the revenues: blackops, political murders, media spin, military coups, high-ranking corruption and so on.

    Heroin - that's the main reason for war in Afghanistan. They has tripled the production. It's huge, enormous amounts of money. And with the army there to secure the drug routes they cut down the transportation and smuggling costs.

    War -> Heroin -> Profit!
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  4. #4

    Re: Afghanistan

    Omg - I never thought of that!

    All I thought was
    1) They MUST have known from the British and Soviet experience that it's impossible to win a war in Afganistan...
    2) There is no oil there, and no Communists (anymore) - also no particular important water passage or similar. It's no longer bordering arch enemy number one..

    Actually Britain seriously tries to give the impression that a major reason to be there is becuase of the ill-treatment of women by the Taliban! Oh please!!! I don't even want to mention what a load of hypocritical tosh that is.

    But I HAVE read that the Talibans reduced the heroin production to almost nothing.

    But isn't America fighting a battle AGAINST drugs.... If they in fact wanted the trade in heroin to resume, then that would be exactly what's suggested in the film "Canadian Bacon" which makes the argument that America actually WANTS plenty of trouble and enemies....

    This is very confusing......

    Rememberence Day (a day for British war veterans) is on 11 Nov....)
    So Afghanistan and Iraq is on TV nonstop and everybody is wearing red poppies on their clothes to support the soldiers... There are posters of widows and orphaned kids, and people everywhere collecting money for the veterans... SIGH I don't even support the war in the first place....

  5. #5
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Afghanistan

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    1) They MUST have known from the British and Soviet experience that it's impossible to win a war in Afganistan...
    Nobody wants to win a war. Actually, everyone wants the war to continue. With the possible exception of the Afghans. But who cares about them anyway?

    2) There is no oil there, and no Communists (anymore) - also no particular important water passage or similar. It's no longer bordering arch enemy number one..
    It's just barren rock and heroin. Add the army around it. Perfect place!

    But I HAVE read that the Talibans reduced the heroin production to almost nothing.
    WHERE? :"": Actually, you wouldn't be far away from truth if you think just the opposite the media tells you.

    But isn't America fighting a battle AGAINST drugs...
    Yeah, they simply want the monopoly.

    America actually WANTS plenty of trouble and enemies....
    Indeed! And plenty of terrorists. Otherwise the generals in the Pentagon and the CIA would have to find honest jobs for a change, something like bank robbing or car theft.

    This is very confusing......
    This is quite simple actually.
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    Re: Afghanistan

    You (Deleted. L.).

    Its not like we just decided to invade one day after scratching out nuts. The fuсking towlyban wanted a war and they got it. We bombed their rag head camel jockey asses back into the stone age, as if they weren't already there. So the great white patriotic christian Bush (Best president ever) decided to invade a few other countries and support a few other bullshiт regimes *cough* Georgia *cough*. So the fuсk what.

    You're not American (Deleted. L.). You don't know what service is, Its not your war. Do something for your own (Deleted. L.) for a change. (Deleted. L.)
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  7. #7
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: Afghanistan

    Personal insullt are deleted. (Generally we do not edit our oldtimers). He'll wake up and going to be embarrassed, hopefully.
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    DDT is offline
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    Re: Afghanistan

    Oh that was beautiful Dogboy! I wish I could have said that. I guess she had no real male figures in her childhood left back in Sweden to slap any sense into her.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  9. #9
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    Re: Afghanistan

    Пиндосы нажрались паленого вискаря?

  10. #10
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Afghanistan

    Оххоххох..... срач начался

    (побежал за попкорном)

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    Re: Afghanistan

    He'll wake up and going to be embarrassed, hopefully.
    Ты такая наивная...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada
    I am not going to edit anything this time.
    Мне кажется, стоит представить, насколько "приятно" это читать человеку, в чей адрес это все написано. Особенно ддтэшный комментарий.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  12. #12
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: Afghanistan

    Она девушка сильная, умная и не примет всерьёз пьяную трепню.
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

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    Re: Afghanistan

    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada
    Она девушка сильная, умная и не примет всерьёз пьяную трепню.
    Лампада, ты представь, что это в твой адрес написали.
    В любом случае, "пьяной трепне" не место на этом форуме, и уж по крайней мере в этой теме. В данном случае это не просто трепня, а очень грубый персональный наезд (как там по-английски, "private attack"?)
    Как бы там ни было, я, как не сильная и не умная, прошу, чтобы оскорбление в мой адрес в другой ветке было удалено.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

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    Re: Afghanistan

    Why is Ramil not right? I think he saied true.
    I am beginner, follow, I did'n understand all, that saied Dogboy182(exception is his mat ) . Translate his idea for me, please, without mat, shortly.
    Correct, please, my mistakes.
    Исправляйте, пожалуйста, мои ошибки.

  15. #15
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Afghanistan

    Quote Originally Posted by Airin
    Why is Ramil not right? I think he saied true.
    I am beginner, follow, I did'n understood all, that saied Dogboy182(exception is his mat ) . Translate his idea for me, please, without mat, shortly.
    In two words: lousy liqueur.
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  16. #16
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    Re: Afghanistan

    Quote Originally Posted by Airin
    Why is Ramil not right? I think he saied true.
    I am beginner, follow, I did'n understood all, that saied Dogboy182(exception is his mat ) . Translate his idea for me, please, without mat, shortly.
    Там наезд не на Рамиля, а на Джоанну.

  17. #17

    Re: Afghanistan

    I have never been called a c___t or anything similar by anyone before. I feel pretty shocked.

    I am not interested in entering into any kind of pointless slagging match with either of these two, so I will not respond.

    If I was the administrator I'd ban them two for using foul language in this thread and elsewhere on the forum. It's offensive. Most of the time they are just rude or aggressive or both. They don't contribute in creating a friendly forum for learning or discussing.

  18. #18
    DDT is offline
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    Re: Afghanistan

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    I have never been called a c___t or anything similar by anyone before. I feel pretty shocked.

    I am not interested in entering into any kind of pointless slagging match with either of these two, so I will not respond.

    If I was the administrator I'd ban them two for using foul language in this thread and elsewhere on the forum. It's offensive. Most of the time they are just rude or aggressive or both. They don't contribute in creating a friendly forum for learning or discussing.
    Dogboy is in the US Military, that you seem to so much hate, and you just gave him the opportunity to give you a taste of the "old Days" at MR. Just grow a thick skin and you will survive. You can't please every one, and we have all types here at MR, including man-haters like you. Stop the holier than thou stuff and lighten up, have a sense of humor! It's the Internet.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  19. #19

    Re: Afghanistan

    Nice "style" you've got there, you f_____g A______n F_____t p__g! (Well you are such a "thick-skinned" big guy so you won't mind being called that, do you? Or maybe you'd consider it almost a badge of honour?)

    First you and your buddy really insult someone and use disgusting language. Then when they mention they didn't enjoy it, you just tell them to stop being "holier than though" and to lighten up. Classic schoolyard bullyboy tactics...

    Perhaps those Afghan mothers who lost their children in air attacks recently should just "lighten up" too..? Spoilsport crybabies huh? Have Bigmac and a Coke and move on.. Toast the "liberdy".

    Speaking about coke, is that what Dogboy and you did yesterday? Or was it just bad moonshine and old weed?

    PS -Rockzmom, absolutely no insult in the first sentence intended towards you at all.

  20. #20
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    Re: Afghanistan

    У меня отец воевал в Афганистане. Война шла за высоту. Для тех кто не понимает, коротко объясню... Если разместить в Афганских горах ракету класса земля - земля, даже средней дальности, то ею можно будет поразить любую точку СССР. Когда пошёл политический раскол в Афганистане, там тут же оказалась Армия США, даже ни столько армия, сколько помощь в оснащении террористов (Экипировка, транспорт, медикаменты, продовольствие). Цель их была в том, чтоб вытеснить Советскую армию и оснавать свою военную базу на "высоте". Это бы поставило наши судьбы под угрозу. А вообще я считаю, что каждая война - это ни что инное, как созтязание двух политиков, стоимостью в тысячи невинных жизней. Память павшим R.I.P.

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