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Thread: 71 процент населения России - обуза для "Стратегии 2020", и другое (гон)

  1. #1
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    71 процент населения России - обуза для "Стратегии 2020", и другое (гон)

    71% населения - обуза для "Стратегии-2020"

    По словам Леонида Гохберга, на шее модернизации тяжелым камнем висят более 100 миллионов граждан России: инвалиды, безработные, бедные и сельское население. Леонид Маркович Гохтенберг - первый проректор Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики» и по совместительству руководитель одной из многочисленных групп путинской "Стратегии-2020". Таким образом более 71% населения России признаны ненужными государству по той причине, что они не владеют английским языком, имеют отличный от западного тип поведения и лишены возможности участвовать в инновационном процессе.

    Комментировать этот ППЦ не могу, просто хотел поделиться.

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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    71% населения - обуза для "Стратегии-2020"

    По словам Леонида Гохберга, на шее модернизации тяжелым камнем висят более 100 миллионов граждан России: инвалиды, безработные, бедные и сельское население. Леонид Маркович Гохтенберг - первый проректор Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики» и по совместительству руководитель одной из многочисленных групп путинской "Стратегии-2020". Таким образом более 71% населения России признаны ненужными государству по той причине, что они не владеют английским языком, имеют отличный от западного тип поведения и лишены возможности участвовать в инновационном процессе.

    Комментировать этот ППЦ не могу, просто хотел поделиться.

    Полностью статья здесь: 71% населения - обуза для "Стратегии-2020" - новость в рубрике Политика на Newsland
    What do you think, did he voice the right number?

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    What do you think, did he voice the right number?
    Does it change anything if he didn't? The whole attitude is rotten, no matter seventy or seven. These people work for Putin. Does anyone have any remaining illusions about this man?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    Does it change anything if he didn't? The whole attitude is rotten, no matter seventy or seven. These people work for Putin. Does anyone have any remaining illusions about this man?
    The man from Stasi? I've never had one towards him..

  5. #5
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    genocide of the Russian people...the article more intent on raising people's blood pressure than discussing issues rationally.
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  6. #6
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    71% населения - обуза для "Стратегии-2020"

    По словам Леонида Гохберга, ...
    Кто-нибудь знает, где Леонид Гохберг (если он таки существует) эти слова озвучил или пропечатал?
    (Английский явно для полной острастки притянули).

  7. #7
    I don't understand all of this, but why would it be different in Russia than any other country?
    All countries have their share of disabled people, or people who cannot function in society.

    Plus, how many per cent of the Russian population can speak decent English? (enough to have a business conversation as this article suggests). My guess would be that it is a one-figure number. This won't just happen over night. To achieve a situation where the majority can speak decent English in a decade, the government would have to take drastic measures.
    And anyway, who says it's necessary? Maybe the Russians would be wiser to learn Mandarin instead!

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Does that mean that neither Putin nor Medvedev are of any use to Russia, as they can't speak English?

  9. #9
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Maybe the Russians would be wiser to learn Mandarin instead!
    Главное, не перепутать мандаринский диалект с кантонским!
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  10. #10
    It's a pity that Russia takes this view of things (must do things like in the West), instead of saying "we'll do things our way and we'll remain Russians.

    Smaller countries don't really have the luxury of being able to choose that option. But Russia can.
    I hate it, the way everyone is becoming a pseudo-American...
    Not the Russians too, please!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    It's a pity that Russia takes this view of things (must do things like in the West), instead of saying "we'll do things our way and we'll remain Russians.

    Smaller countries don't really have the luxury of being able to choose that option. But Russia can.
    I hate it, the way everyone is becoming a pseudo-American...
    Not the Russians too, please!
    Each nation can be a civilized nation and still remain itself.

    And just admit, you simply hate the US and everything about it due to your Soviet experience in your childhood.

  12. #12
    What are you on about!?

    I don't hate the USA at all, like I've said lots of times. It's cool in many ways, and so are its people and culture.
    But with regards to US culture, you can get too much of a good thing...!

    If Russian culture or any other culture was taking over Europe the way that American has, I'd probably have the same view of that.

    The only thing hate about the US is its foreign policy.
    And yes, I've practically always hated it. I was born while the Vietnam war was still in progress. A very good example of US foreign policy at its worst. But I am able to make a distinction between a country, those who lead it and the regular citizens.

    You on the other hand Eric, need to check your passport really carefully to remember that you actually have other loyalties... Or maybe just emigrate there?

  13. #13
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Что такое макак?
    макаки живут за наш счет на нашем сырье и сбывают нам свою продукцию что бы так жить+ макаки заставляют нас платить скрытый в инфляции доллара налог...
    Кому - нары, кому - Канары.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    What are you on about!?

    I don't hate the USA at all, like I've said lots of times. It's cool in many ways, and so are its people and culture.
    But with regards to US culture, you can get too much of a good thing...!

    If Russian culture or any other culture was taking over Europe the way that American has, I'd probably have the same view of that.

    The only thing hate about the US is its foreign policy.
    And yes, I've practically always hated it. I was born while the Vietnam war was still in progress. A very good example of US foreign policy at its worst. But I am able to make a distinction between a country, those who lead it and the regular citizens.

    You on the other hand Eric, need to check your passport really carefully to remember that you actually have other loyalties... Or maybe just emigrate there?
    You've said so much about my loyalties and my nationality while trying figuring it out, lol, that I got a feeling maybe I should ask you what they are... =)))

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    I don't hate the USA at all, like I've said lots of times. It's cool in many ways, and so are its people and culture.
    But with regards to US culture, you can get too much of a good thing...!
    That's the understatement of the century. We (and I'm speaking out of love, here!) generated entirely too much culture in way too quick a time. And it's all plastic, it's all petroleum-based and bisphenolated and encased in latex and polycarbonate. We invented "functional obsolescence" and we turned the meaning of "make a sale" into "creating market value."

    But what I think is awesome about YOU, Hanna, is that you are one of those who knows that the WE is not *all* of us. The idea that people outside of the US might be able to see this paradigm cool-headedly, and view us as people, fairly, this gives me great hope for the future.

    Well.. at least SOME hope.
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  16. #16
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    And yes, I've practically always hated it. I was born while the Vietnam war was still in progress. A very good example of US foreign policy at its worst.
    [...кашл, кашл...] А милочка, если б ты родилась вьетнамкой, ты, пожалуй, сильнее бы ненавидела внешнюю политику Китая!

    (To be clear, I do not claim that US policy in Vietnam always had the best interests of the Vietnamese people in mind. However, I emphatically deny that all the trouble was caused by the US, and that the Vietnamese people would have been better off if the US had not gotten involved in Vietnam.)

  17. #17
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Короче, я предложил бы ограниченную защиту внешней политики США, на основе того красноречивого и вдохновенного принципа "Хренов и Жоп", первоначально описанного американским философом-мудрецом Треем Паркером, в кино-шедевре Team America: World Police.*

    Именно, Although we Americans are dicks, we are quite often "less-worse" than those other assholes!

    * анг.: In short, I would offer a qualified/limited defense of US foreign policy, on the basis of that eloquent and inspired principle of "Dicks and Assholes," originally described by American philosopher-sage Trey Parker, in the cinematic masterpiece TA:WP.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee View Post
    [...кашл, кашл...] А милочка, если б ты родилась вьетнамкой, ты, пожалуй, сильнее бы ненавидела внешнюю политику Китая!
    Well, honey, if you were born Vietnamese, you would probably hate the Chinese foreign policy more!

    Yes, and that's the point. Among all the big countries ever existed, the US seems to be not all that bad. Compare it to the USSR which turned a half of Europe into commies, or to China which created such amazing regimes as Vietnam and North Korea. "The dicks and assholes" concept works, I must say...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    Вдобавок на шее модернизации тяжелым камнем висят 39,7 миллионов инвалидов
    Были годы, когда давать инвалидность было выгодно местным властям. Им давали инвалидские удостоверения почти автоматически. Вышла женщина на пенсию и бегом за инвалидностью. Она получала льготы, а регион получал федеральное финансирование, объём которого зависел от количества инвалидов. Так что эти цифры (39,7 миллионов) сильно завышены.

    Но вообще, есть такая проблема. У человечества. Выживаемость повысилась. Раньше больных съедали или они умирали от голода. А теперь выживают почти все. Причём у них ещё и дети появляются. С генетической точки зрения это путь к вырождению.

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