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Thread: Я заблудился?

  1. #1

    Я заблудился?

    If a man and a woman meet each other and they are both lost (i.e. they got lost), then is this how they would say it....?

    Мужчина: Я заблудился!
    Женщина: Я тоже заблудилась!

  2. #2
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    Re: Я заблудился?

    Everything is ok in your example, but I would say we can do without exclamation marks.
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  3. #3

    Re: Я заблудился ?

    Ok! Thank you very much, yet again!
    For some reason I couldn't find this word in any of my "normal" sources (Wiktionary, Gramota or

  4. #4
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Я заблудился ?

    You shouldn’t have edited your original post, it was extremely hilarious. How could you do that to us?
    Пьяная немецкая лётчица заблудилась в небе.
    Пилот самолёта Сесна, пьяная немка, заблудилась в небе.
    Пьяная Неметская пилот(ка?)
    never knowing it yourself you’ve made up a pun here and a very funny one at that, reminiscent of the
    Осенью лебеди со своими лебёдками улетают на юг, в тёплые страны.
    Пилот = pilot It doesn’t change with gender. If a pilot is female you’ll have to switch to лётчица or add to a пилот some gender defining word like say a female pilot’s name пилот Катя, пилот Иванова, or in some other way, for example она была хорошим пилотом.
    Пилотка = military headgear, a cap soldiers wear during warm seasons
    Лебедь = swan

    Лебёдка = winch, windlass, hoist

  5. #5

    Re: Я заблудился ?


    Well.. It just felt really stupid... Even though it was silly it was a serious question... But I worked out parts of it myself eventually....

    Now I am going to read your response carefully and try to learn from it...
    Thanks Alex!!!


    EDIT: Ok, now I've read it... Gosh, my original post was very stupid!

    It's tricky in Russian that it's almost impossible to "improvise" like I can do with some languages that I have studied but can't speak very well.

    In Russian, if you don't know it.. You haven't got a chance of improvising and getting it right...


  6. #6
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    Re: Я заблудился ?

    I'd like to add that "лебедка" does have the meaning "a female swan." )
    Я бы хотела добавить, что у слова «лебедка» есть значение «самка лебедя». )

    Но, например, в «Сказке о царе Салтане» было использовано слово «лебедь»:
    Глядь — поверх текучих вод
    Лебедь белая плывет.
    Лебедь белая молчит
    И, подумав, говорит:

    Quote Originally Posted by Толковый словарь русского языка. С. И. Ожегов, Н. Ю. Шведова.
    Царевна-Лебедь, Царевны-Лебеди
    в народных сказках: царевна, превращающаяся в лебедя.
    Все, замолкаю, Юханна и так наверняка уже запуталась. ))
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  7. #7
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Я заблудился ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    ... Gosh, my original post was very stupid!
    It wasn’t stupid, it was funny. Don't be so cruel to yourself and to us by extension. Do it again!

  8. #8
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    Re: Я заблудился ?

    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    Пилотка = military headgear, a cap soldiers wear during warm seasons

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  9. #9
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Я заблудился?

    Yeah, that's the one.

  10. #10

    Re: Я заблудился?

    Haha, can you blame me for feeling stupid!

    After 6 months of studying Russian (not to mention actually studying it in school for a while as a kid), the best I can come up with is something like

    "A drunked military hat was flyed lost"

    Oh dear!!!!
    I am not giving up though!

    Had planned to study German at the same time as Russian, but Russian is just so hard that there is no room for anything else at the same time...

  11. #11
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Я заблудился?

    By the way, the word пилотка is in fact related to pilots. It was part of their uniform and the form of this headhear became known as пилотка.

    Hm, since we all learn here, I have to add that this word has recently (or not too recently) became a part of the young men slang with quite a rude meaning I shoudn't probably have mentioned this, but this way you would know what's wrong if somebody starts laughing after hearing this word in some obscure context.

    Well, I did try to put it as mildly as I could. The funny part is that your original message was correct (in a manner of speaking).
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  12. #12
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    Re: Я заблудился?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    with quite a rude meaning concerning anatomy
    I was going to say that, adding that people write that word with "e," not with "и" (!) but when I tryed to find the photo of the cap called "пилотка" in Google Images, there were some pictures of genitals... Very few though.

    So, Johanna, your sentence could sound even worse than "A drunked military hat was flyed lost." ) You know, the first syllable in this word is unstressed...
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  13. #13
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    Re: Я заблудился?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    The funny part is that your original message was correct (in a manner of speaking).
    Какого таланта лишится олбанский язык, когда Юханна подтянет свой русский.

    Johanna, I didn't see the original message, only the words that alexB posted, but it seems that you butcher the language in the way that some natives on the Internet do. ))
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  14. #14
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Я заблудился?

    The substitution of e instead of и was a result of Манефеста антиграматнасти and падонкаффскаго йазыка. I learned 'that other meaning' when I was in the army when манефест had not yet existed.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  15. #15
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    Re: Я заблудился?

    А, вот как. )
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  16. #16

    Re: Я заблудился?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    By the way, the word пилотка is in fact related to pilots. It was part of their uniform and the form of this headhear became known as пилотка.

    Hm, since we all learn here, I have to add that this word has recently (or not too recently) became a part of the young men slang with quite a rude meaning I shoudn't probably have mentioned this, but this way you would know what's wrong if somebody starts laughing after hearing this word in some obscure context.

    Well, I did try to put it as mildly as I could. The funny part is that your original message was correct (in a manner of speaking).
    Hmmm.... In English I am more up-to-date than most women on such expressions, since I usually work only with men. After a while they forget to "censor" themselves... But I guess Zaya, Lampada etc did not know about that...

    Well it could have worked! швед, шведка.....
    Or maybe this never works for professions (jobs).

    Anyway -- I appreciate the explanations a lot!
    I am sure there IS some kind of logic to how the male/female words are constructed, I just don't know enough to see it yet.

  17. #17
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    Re: Я заблудился?

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Hmmm.... In English I am more up-to-date than most women on such expressions, since I usually work only with men. After a while they forget to "censor" themselves... But I guess Zaya, Lampada etc did not know about that...
    What do you mean? Is it important if we know it or not? Well, actually, you have already written about this, so at least I already know it. )))))
    Why have you mentioned Lampada? She wrote nothing in this topic.
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  18. #18

    Re: Я заблудился?

    Oh - "пилотка" is apparently a rude word!
    I guess it means someting sexual...

    In my experience, "ladies" don't usually know such words, or at least they do not use them... So it was a compliment on your character, nothing else!

    I don't know about Russia, but in England it is NOT a good idea for a woman to use rude words... In fact, the general principle is that men are not supposed to swear when they are around women. Respectable women do not use certain words which are more or less ok for men to use.

    Or perhaps "пилотка" is a famous slang word that everybody knows?
    I got the impression from Ramil's post that it was an unusual slang word..


    EDIT: Oops, sorry Zaya! I guess if even English Wiktionary knew the slang meaning of this word, then you did too..

    Ok, let's not talk about this word anymore.

  19. #19
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    Re: Я заблудился?

    Oh, of course I don't use it.
    I saw it used in this meaning on the Internet only but I believe what Ramil says.

    Oops, sorry Zaya! I guess if even English Wiktionary knew the slang meaning of this word, then you did too.
    I don't understand you again. I just see no connection between these statements.
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  20. #20

    Re: Я заблудился?

    Let's drop it, it doesn't matter! I first got the impression that it was an obscure slang word, but clearly it's a famous slang word... The joke's on me and I finally got it... Oh well...

    Одна лётчица: Starbuck из "BATTLESTAR GALACTICA"

    Другая лётчица: Amelia Earhardt

    Лётчица или.... "Космонавтка"???
    (surely this is not also a rude word....)

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