Что такое укранизатор?
Игорь Марков, председатель партии «Родина»: «Вот эти укранизаторы, видимо, в школе плохо учили физику: сила действия равна силе противодействия».
Что такое укранизатор?
Игорь Марков, председатель партии «Родина»: «Вот эти укранизаторы, видимо, в школе плохо учили физику: сила действия равна силе противодействия».
Кому - нары, кому - Канары.
It’s a word he made up himself to most likely mock the ardent enforcers of Ukrainian language to every walk of Ukrainian life.
Esli by bylo bolshe konteksta, bylo by legche otvetit, no skoree vsego, "ukrainizatory" eto novoobrazovanie ot glagola "ukrainizirovat", t.e. vnedriat ukrainskii yazyk i kulturu vo vse sfery zhizni russkoyazychnyh regionov Ukrainy.
Translit sucks.
Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!
Dear Elizaveta Petrovna, there are a few people over the seas, I guess, who take to occasional sneaking to the Internet from their working places designed to operate exclusively in a non-Cyrillic environment and I have no trouble at all understanding those in their desire to share their thoughts with the Cyrillic world, though be it in a clumsy and barely readable way. Would you care to enlighten the folks around here as to what your God damned excuses to stubbornly stick to using Latin characters in your Russian posts might be, please? -))
Aren’t you from UK by any chance?
Because it’s mostly there that the native people shed their tears about other "poor" nations’ national and other attributes being abused and mistreated all the while not noticing that not only their attributes but they themselves are going to be mistreated soon by those very poor national minorities who all of a sudden have ceased to be minorities to become majorities instead.
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