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Thread: то и же?

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    то и же?

    hey, i was wondering about the words то и же, i see them every once and while and I have a very basic idea on how they work but i'm still not entirely sure what it always means when someone uses them, or how to use them my self. i was wondering if anyone could help me out?


  2. #2
    SAn is offline
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    Re: то и же?

    Here is some expressions combining то and же:

    Тоже = too: to have the same property / to do the same action.
    «Все любят Машу. И Серёжа тоже» = «Everybody is loving Masha. And Sergey loves her too»
    «Все дураки, и Серёжа тоже» = «Everybody is fool, and Sergey too»
    «Все едят мороженное, и Серёжа ест тоже» = «Everybody is eating icecream, and Sergey is eating too»

    То же / то же са́мое = same: two things are equal.
    «Все танцуют. И Серёжа делает то же [самое]»/ = «Everybody is sancing, and Sergey is doing the same thing»
    «Многие думают, что "дурак" — то же [самое], что и "идиот"» = «Many are of the opinion that "fool" is the same as "idiot"»
    «Все едят мороженное, и Серёжа ест то же [самое]» = «Everybody is eating icecream, and Sergey is eating the same thing»

    Rare phrases:

    То тоже = that thing doing the same: that thing has the same property/doing the same action [as something that we are talking about].

    То то же = that thing too: that thing is the same [as something that we are talking about].

    То-то = how / that's why / то-то же (see below).
    «То-то он удивится!» = «How surprised he will be!»
    «То-то у него девушки нет!» — «So that's why he has no girlfriend!»/«Now I see why he has no girlfriend!»

    То-то же! = That is what I am/was talking about! / Now you understand!
    — Сынок, не ходи к соседям в сад: у них большая собака. = Son, do not go to the neighbours garden: they have a big dog.
    — Хорошо, мама. = OK, mom.
    — Мам! Я ходил гулять к соседям в сад, и меня укусила собака . = Hey, mom! I was walking to the neighbours garden, and the dog bite me .
    — То-то же! = What did I tell you!

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: то и же?

    Quote Originally Posted by SAn
    То то же = that thing too: that thing is the same [as something that we are talking about].
    Dind't understand this one. Maybe you meant "то тоже"? As in "Дайте мне вот это пирожное, и то тоже"?

    'же' and 'то' are also used separately after pronouns. They are both used to make what you say more spoken, conversational. 'то' may serve to sort of separate the speaker. 'же' may be used if you're trying to justify or explain your actions (the same with 'ведь'). For example:

    Justifying oneself:
    1) Я ведь не знал.
    2) Я же/ж не знал.
    3) Да я же/ж ведь не знал.
    Separating/singling out:
    4) А я-то уже всё сделал! А вы все копаетесь! (в отличие от вас я уже всё сделал -- Unlike you I have already done everything! And you're still dawdling *said gleefully, a tongue may be shown)
    5) Мы-то уехали ещё в ноябре. А они остались. (We left as early as November, while they stayed.)
    6) А я-то думал, зачем она туда ходила! (And I was wondering what she went there for!)
    7) А я-то дурак, сижу и жду её! (And I'm sitting here and waiting for her like a fool! / And I, the fool,...)
    Alice: One can't believe impossible things.
    The Queen: I dare say you haven't had much practice. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

  4. #4
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    Re: то и же?

    Quote Originally Posted by majorstiffy
    i'm still not entirely sure what it always means when someone uses them
    Different things.


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  5. #5
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    Re: то и же?

    Quote Originally Posted by SAn
    Here is some expressions combining то and же:

    Тоже = too: to have the same property / to do the same action.
    Funny. What does "тоже" have to do with "то" and "же"?
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

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