What is the practical diffence between these words (please provide examples). In the dictionary it says for both "quarrel, dispute".
What is the practical diffence between these words (please provide examples). In the dictionary it says for both "quarrel, dispute".
ссориться - quarrel; fall out; altercate
спорить -
1) (о , против; возражать кому-л) argue (about, against), dispute (about, against), have an argument (about, against); (с ) argue (with), dispute (with)
2) (дискутировать) debate, discuss
3) dispute () спорить о наследстве — dispute a legacy
4) (на ; заключать пари) bet () спорить на сто рублей — bet a hundred roubles
5) (с ; вступать в состязание) contend (with)
Basically ссориться с кем-то means to get into/to proceed with bad relations with someone.
Спорить (1) о чём-то - to discuss something from the different positions.
"Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?
It only makes sense to compare "ссориться" and "спорить" because "ссорить" is a transitive verb. "Ссориться" means "to quarrel, to disagree", in general. "Спорить" is "to dispute" some specific questions trying to defend your point of view and disprove an opponent's POV.
"Они с девушкой постоянно ссорятся"
"Мы спорили всю ночь. Так ни к чему и не пришли"
"Ссорить" is a transitive verb which means "to make some people quarrel with each other" (you need to specify these people as an object of a sentence). It is good to know... but as for a learner - this verb isn't you highest priority.
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