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Thread: площадка сад, 'кентурия', etc

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    площадка сад, 'кентурия', etc

    '...,заносило дымком в колоннаду через верхнюю площадку сада, и к горьковатому дыму, свидетельствовавшему о том, что кашевары в кентуриях начали готовить обед, примешивался все тот же жирный розовый дух.' (Bulgakov)

    I translate the sentence as:-
    ' a plume of smoke carried into the colonnade across the upper (landing/area?) of the garden, and into that bitterish smoke, testifying to this;- that the cooks in the (?) had started to prepare dinner, (was) mixed all this greasy rosey air.

    Which makes some sense to me, after a lot of effort. The reference to 'rosy air' (rose scent in the air) is from a previous paragraph. It's set in a Roman courtyard, by the way.

    Can anyone provide translations for 'площадка сад' and 'кентурия'? The first one brings up pictures of children's playgrounds on google, but I can't quite picture Roman centurians playing happily on the swings...

    The structure of this sentence is complicated, but I think it is a bit like:-
    заносило дымком в колоннаду через верхнюю площадку сада, и к горьковатому дыму, примешивался жирный розовый дух, with another clause added in the middle. In which case I think I understand it to mean:-

    'a plume of smoke carried into the colonnade across the upper (landing/area?) of the garden, and into that bitterish smoke, (was) mixed all this greasy rosy air.'

    In general I'm having a lot of trouble distinguishing between the various uses of commas in Russian text; which ones begin dependant clauses, which ones are part of phrases, etc. For instance, it took me a while to work out that 'свидетельствовавшему о том, что кашевары в кентуриях начали готовить обед' was a complete clause. Is 'свидетельствовавшему о том' a standard phrase of some sort? I've translated it as 'testifying to this;-'

    Thanks to anyone who can help.

  2. #2
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Is 'свидетельствовавшему о том, что...' a standard phrase of some sort?
    Yup. It's "testifying to the cooks in the centuries to have started preparing dinner".
    I hope it makes sense in English.

    кентурия (центурия) is a Latin military unit consisting of 100 men.

    верхняя площадка сада looks like an UPPER LANDING of a garden (for step-down/multi-layered/staircase-like ones)
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  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Ah, thank you. I've got those 2 words now.

    So 'свидетельствовавшему о том, что' is a phrase I can expect to find again?

  4. #4
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Yes, it's a set phrase, worth memorizing.
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  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин
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    It seems to mean 'indicates that'.
    I can't find anything in any Russian/English dictionary, but this seems to fit when I translate other sentences with this phrase in it. Thanks for the help.

  6. #6
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    It seems to mean 'indicates that'
    Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.

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