Two questions:
1) приемлю with the meaning of "I consume" (drugs, for example). However I find приём with the meaning of "taking a dosis" for example of a medicine, I can't find the verbs from which it derives. The verbs приедать - приесть have not that form, at least in the books I have visited, nor in the dictionaries on line. From which verb does it derive?

2) что can be an interrogative pronoun or a relative one. In the phrase
"Какие люди вам больше нравится, с кем бы вы препочли дружить - с теми у кого похожие или противоположные черты характера? " the question is if что works as an relative: "Which people do you like to become with them a friend , with ... or with ..." or it is an interrogative, and then would be two questions: "Which people do you like? With whom do you prefer become a friend, with ... or ...". Obviously in the meaning of relative the antecedent would be "люди". According to the fact that the mark of question goes only once at the end of the phrase it seems more suitable the "relative-solution". Isn't it ?