I was playing cards yesterday and I wanted to know what the proper terms were for the game of Poker.
Poker terminology
покер терминология
щепка = chip (as in poker chip)
покер = poker
карты = cards
дилер = dealer
горшок/банка = pot (as in pot of money)
стол/столик = table (as in poker table)
I know столик = table in restaurants and стол = table in a home
раздавать = to deal
держать пари = to bet
поднимать = to raise
позвать = to call
загонять = to fold
обманывать = to bluff
выиграть = to win
потерять = to lose
Это - ваша очередь
It is your turn.
играй в свою очередь
play in turn.
не плещите горшок/банка.
don't splash the pot.