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Thread: Шипящие

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    In my book of Phonetics advises to avoid "смешение свистящих [с], [з] и щипящих [ш], [ж], [ш'] ".
    In my dictionary both 'свистящий' and 'щипящий' are translated as "sibillant, whistling". Really in it appears only шипящий and not щипящий, like is in the book and in the net. Since this two groups of consonants are different, I have translated these adjectives as "one-focus whistling" (for [с], [з]) and "two-focuses whistling" (for [ш], [ж], [ш']). Is there a less analytical way to name this two groups in English?. Perhaps the second group will be named as "hissing"? In Spanish the last consonants would be called with the rather technical word "chicheante". Thanks

  2. #2
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    Re: Шипящие

    The word "щипящие" doesn't exist, it should be "шипящие."
    Yes, you are right, "whistling" is a bad word for the second group. I would choose "hissing" or "sibilant" for both, "whistling" doesn't seem to be a linguistic term in English. It's just my opinion, I would like to know what native speakers of English think, especially those who have read books on Russian phonetics (in English). There may be no common English terms to distinguish these two groups. Most learners might not think about how to call these sounds and be taught just "not to mix up [с] with [ш], [з] with [ж] etc."
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  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Шипящие

    Thank you. Yes, it would be easier, but since the book (very good in any case) from the first page til to the "Finis coronat opus" uses such a language...As for its utility, It has, for example, a very interesting explanation of changes that stressed vowels suffer according to the consonants previous (hard or soft) and following (hard or soft), everything further, of course, from the softening of previous consonant, in its case. I haven't seen, nor mentioned this matter, in any book. In change, one must go through its technical language. It all will be very obvious for a Russian, but for a foreigner...

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Шипящие

    According to articles in wikipedia, they differ only in the place of articulation - alveolar s,z, retroflex ш, ж, alveolo-palatal ɕɕ (== ш' ? ). Both former groups may count as post-alveolar.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Шипящие

    Alveolar ("альвеолярный") и пр., насколько я поняла, — более широкие понятия. А именно свистящие как назвать? Alveolar sibilants? Alveolar hissing sounds? И так и так можно?
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  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Шипящие

    Quote Originally Posted by Zaya
    Alveolar ("альвеолярный") и пр., насколько я поняла, — более широкие понятия. А именно свистящие как назвать? Alveolar sibilants? Alveolar hissing sounds? И так и так можно?
    Я бы так вообще не стал придумывать англоязычную классификацию, если ее не существует. Ну а если приходится все-таки придумавать, то alveolar sibilant для s и z, а остальные - postalveolar sibilant, доверяясь тому, что в википедии про Sibilant_consonant написано.
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