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Thread: Будьте добры/можно мне/дайте мне

  1. #1
    Почётный участник ShakeyX's Avatar
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    Будьте добры/можно мне/дайте мне

    Just wanted to check if there was any subtle differences between these terms or they were completely interchangeable.

    So I am aware when you are ordering something, such as a beer you can say будьте добры... (so I'm guessing this one is more suitable at a bar rather than said to a waiter before ordering?)

    And is there any difference between saying simply можно and adding мне? or is the мне just usually implied so therefore can be omitted.

    If anyone could give me a run down of the most naturally sounded situations, because in english I can kindof see an old man saying "would you be kind and get me a beer" but i can't see the same thing being said to a waiter when ordering food as he is not acutally skipping off to fetch your food as he would a knife or fork which is ready for him to do.... so I guess I could see my self saying дайте мне нож пожалуйста but maybe saying можно мне or я хочу for a блюдо.

    Is any of this accurate or just fiction? Just wanted to check and put some ideas out there to see if any were unacceptable or weird.

    Thanks, Jake.

  2. #2
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    so I'm guessing this one is more suitable at a bar rather than said to a waiter before ordering?
    Not really. Будьте добры is okay everywhere, no matter if you are at a bar, or telling that to a waiter or to your friends at dinner.

    an old man saying "would you be kind and get me a beer"
    At a bar? In a pub? I thought that would've been "be kind and give me a beer". I can imagine get to sound normal only if the old man catches someone outside a pub and ask them "son, would you be kind and get me a beer...". Though I sure may be wrong on that, my sense of language may be playing up. Correct me, please.

    so I guess I could see my self saying дайте мне нож пожалуйста but maybe saying можно мне or я хочу for a блюдо.
    Maybe that's a difference between our waiters but here in Russia when you come to a pub or a restaurant you take your sits and take a menu usually lying on the tables or on the bar. Then, a few minutes later (to let you pick items you want from menu) a waiter shows up and you tell him what you want. He disappears and then brings your food, drinks and dinnerware (except for those that were on the tables initially when you landed on the chairs). So it's quite normal if you tell either of "я хочу", "можно (мне)", "дайте мне", "принесите мне"... to a waiter (of course, you can use some of the "пожалуйста", "будьте добры", "если (вас) не затруднит" to sound polite). That refers to both dishes and dinnerware.

    And is there any difference between saying simply можно and adding мне? or is the мне just usually implied so therefore can be omitted.
    If you are alone you can add "мне"; If you are in a company of your friends, you can add "нам" but usually it's implied and there's no need to explicitly point the receiver out. Of course you can say "можно (принести) два бокала вина тем очаровательным девушкам за крайним столиком?". But if you didn't specify "кому", then "мне" или "нам" are implied by default.
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    Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.

  3. #3
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    Hey Jake,

    будьте добры - may sound formal. Usually reserved for slightly formal situations. It can be used to call for attention in a food place (cf. Excuse me...). This is the most formal of all 3, you have to feel the situation to use it properly. In short, it's the most polite of all 3.

    Можно мне - can I have, can I get, etc. - i think it's neutral

    дайте мне (lit. give me)- if you say it without пожалуйста it is a bit rude (though it's OK in some casual situations when people are not expected to be overly polite) дайте, пожалуйста makes it polite.

    degrees of politeness is cultural stuff and it's not easy to perceive them through language only; if you have field experience with these phrases you quickly get the idea.

  4. #4
    Завсегдатай Antonio1986's Avatar
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    If I want to attract the attention of the waiter can I say:
    Ya mog by zakazat' seichas pozhaluista?
    Чем больше слов, тем меньше они стоят.

  5. #5
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    Regarding "an old man saying "would you be kind and get me a beer"" is fine to say in a bar/pub etc. For example:

    I'm going to go to the bathroom, would you be kind and get me a beer (I would add please).


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  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин Serge_spb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShakeyX View Post
    Just wanted to check if there was any subtle differences between these terms or they were completely interchangeable.

    So I am aware when you are ordering something, such as a beer you can say будьте добры... (so I'm guessing this one is more suitable at a bar rather than said to a waiter before ordering?)

    And is there any difference between saying simply можно and adding мне? or is the мне just usually implied so therefore can be omitted.

    If anyone could give me a run down of the most naturally sounded situations, because in english I can kindof see an old man saying "would you be kind and get me a beer" but i can't see the same thing being said to a waiter when ordering food as he is not acutally skipping off to fetch your food as he would a knife or fork which is ready for him to do.... so I guess I could see my self saying дайте мне нож пожалуйста but maybe saying можно мне or я хочу for a блюдо.

    Is any of this accurate or just fiction? Just wanted to check and put some ideas out there to see if any were unacceptable or weird.

    Thanks, Jake.
    1. Будьте добры две чашки кофе. С молоком. Без сахара.

    Будьте добры, говорите громче!
    Будьте добры, ведите себя потише!

    2. Можно мне журнал Эксперт за пятьдесят (50) рублей?
    Можно задать вам вопрос?
    (Здесь сводобно?) Можно здесь сесть?

    3. Дайте мне журнал Эксперт... Спасибо.
    Дайте (мне) проехать!
    Дайте (мне) выйти!
    Дайте (мне) дорогу!

    Any of the third expression is short and less polite. Always say "Спасибо" if you use that one.

    Normally you can`t say this (3) concerning a coffee or dinner, because it has to be prepared first.

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