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Thread: как я иэмеяю существительное к/до прилагательное

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    как я иэмеяю существительное к/до прилагательное

    Perhaps it spelled wrong about the headline but here is my question.

    How shall i change words from substantiv to adjektiv.

    I read many times and i guess all russians here also do that a lot of substantiv transform to adjectiv when you are suppose to describe the unit.

    Like, зима-зимяя

    That's all i know, if someone here can describe how to make a random substantiv to adjectiv with help of special rules or something it would be great.

    I hope all here know what i'm talking about.

    And btw sometimes you would see a adjectic who ends with -ческий , i guess that has to be when a word ending with letters like ч...ц...ж...к and so on.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Mowcow, Russia
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    Re: как я иэмеяю существительное к/до прилагательное

    There is no single easy set of rules to form adjectives from nouns. There is a number of suffixes used for that purpose, and they are often used inconsistently. You need to consult your dictionary in each case.

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