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Thread: what word is being spoken here?

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    what word is being spoken here?

    This is from Pimsleur 2 lesson 9. I do not get what word is used here, since it seems to be a word that hasn't been used in thsi manner before. The sentence is "It is for my friends in America."

    My question is about the word for in. It sounds like they are saying для маых знакомых ва америке. When is that word used for "in?" I think that didn't get taught in these programs. I think later we learned из for in.

    Here the text

    Wait, are they saying в америке?

  2. #2
    Dmitry Khomichuk
    Hello, ironfist.
    Yes, they are saying "для моих знакомых в Америке".
    Моих is pronounced [майих].

  3. #3
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Is маых technically a word? Translate told me it was acceptable.graphic-1.jpg

  4. #4
    Dmitry Khomichuk
    Hello, ironfist.
    This word is written "моих", "маых" - is incorrect.

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