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Thread: The ultimate Russian pronoun declension table

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор Heart Of A Lion's Avatar
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    The ultimate Russian pronoun declension table

    I've been trying to make the ultimate Russian pronoun declension list/table.

    You can see here what I've got so far:

    What that table is, is the following. The table is supposed to list all types of Russian pronouns and show a declension table for them. The goal is to have a complete list and table of pronoun declensions, the ultimate list.

    If someone sees a mistake, then please let me know and I will fix it. If someone sees something that is missing or incomplete, then please let me know and I will add it. Even the notes and little superscript numbers matter. If you see a wrong superscript number or a missing one somewhere, let me know.
    fortheether likes this.

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин xXHoax's Avatar
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    This actually really great that you're getting these charts super straightened out in your mind. It says себой, should be собой. Perhaps note, that instrumental pronouns ( just like some nouns), can take a ю ending instead of й: с тобою. It has something to do with ukrainian I think. Not sure if just phrasing, but I believe that pronouns connected to a preposition, in any case, ALWAYS have a н added (if it starts with a vowel) to the beginning. Note,third person pronouns are the ones that do this, in order to distinguish between the possessive adjective, which otherwise look the same in some instances. Prepositional (third person) pronouns all start with н since they always come with propositions. Coincidence, I THINK NOT.

    I dont know if you want to note this, but весь's (apostrophe s on a foreign word...Wow) different forms change between an adjective and a pronoun. When with a noun, it means "all" or "whole". When on its own, все is everybody/everyone, and declines like an animate noun, which distinguishes it from всё-- everything, since....Sadly.... People dont write ё anymore.
    fortheether likes this.

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин Soft sign's Avatar
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    Nice table!
    Don’t you consider to mark the stress in every form?
    Please correct my English

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