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Thread: Translation please

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Translation please

    The following are all referenced to kids.

    1) peanut butter
    2) pick a fruit (selection, choose one)
    3) get in the car
    4) fasten your seatbelt
    5) no more arguing
    6) clean up (as in clean your room, put your things away)
    7) roller blades
    Would you like to ride a horse?
    9) are you full (after eating, have you had enough?)
    10) play nicely! (to a group of kids)
    11) I'm sorry, I apologize
    12) time-out (to a child that needs to sit and think about what they did wrong - how is this handled in Russia?

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  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Translation please

    1) peanut butter - арахисовое масло
    2) pick a fruit (selection, choose one) - выбирай (=возьми) фрукт
    3) get in the car - садись (=забирайся) в машину
    4) fasten your seatbelt - Пристегни ремень <безопасности>
    5) no more arguing - прекрати спорить
    6) clean up (as in clean your room, put your things away) - Приберись <в комнате>
    7) roller blades - ролики (= роликовые коньки)
    Would you like to ride a horse? - Хочешь покататься на лошади?
    9) are you full (after eating, have you had enough?) - Наелся? (= наелась - femin.)
    10) play nicely! (to a group of kids) - играйте дружно ( or "не ссорьтесь" if they are fighting and arguing)
    11) I'm sorry, I apologize - Прости меня
    12) time-out (to a child that needs to sit and think about what they did wrong - how is this handled in Russia? - You can say it: "Сядь и подумай над своим поведением!"
    Find your inner Bart!

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Translation please

    1) peanut butter
    арахисовое масло
    2) pick a fruit (selection, choose one)
    выбери фрукт
    3) get in the car
    садись в машину
    4) fasten your seatbelt
    пристегнись (пожалуйста)
    5) no more arguing
    хватит спорить (достаточно спорить)
    6) clean up (as in clean your room, put your things away)
    наведи порядок в комнате, or simply приберись
    7) roller blades
    ролики (роликовые коньки)
    Would you like to ride a horse?
    Хочешь покататься на лошади (на лошадке)?
    9) are you full (after eating, have you had enough?)
    ты наелся?(boy)
    ты наелась? (girl)
    вы наелись? (both)

    10) play nicely! (to a group of kids)
    it's a hard one.. Mina are always arguing, so I say "не ругайтесь!" But you might mean that they are abusive, so it would be "не деритесь!"
    11) I'm sorry, I apologize
    я виноват, я извиняюсь
    12) time-out (to a child that needs to sit and think about what they did wrong - how is this handled in Russia?
    тайм аут - that could be understood by kids, but some explanation should follow. It is not common concept in Russia.

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