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Thread: Submit an Application

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Submit an Application

    I am struggling with a translation of:

    "You do not need to acquire a approval before I submit the application."

    The root word for "submit" is подавать, but for the conjugation or context of this sentence, I am given the word подвергаю.

    I looked in my Big Silver book of verbs (p.322) and cannot understand exactly what form of the word should be used.

    How should this appear in Russian/Cyrillic?

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай mishau_'s Avatar
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    You do not need to acquire a approval before I submit the application.

    Вам не требуется (получение) одобрения перед подачей заявления (на рассмотрение)

    But in the English version it's a bit messy for me

    - an approival
    - You do not need... before I submit...

    Does it make much sense?
    English Edition

    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

  3. #3
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Maybe I am using some bad english to begin with...

    An alternative translation that I am given is:

    "...чем я представляю заявление."

    I don't know whether that is any better?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueclue7
    "You do not need to acquire a approval before I submit the application."
    Maybe you should say

    I can submit the application before you are approved.

    Here is my guess:
    Я могу представить заявление прежде, чем вы одобрены.

    Quote Originally Posted by blueclue7
    The root word for "submit" is подавать, but for the conjugation or context of this sentence, I am given the word подвергаю.

    I don't think "подвергаю" is the proper word.
    Here is the definition according to Multitran

    подвергать v
    gener. subject; expose; accord; weather; put to; submit
    busin. commit; defer; expose to; subject to
    construct. experience
    diplom. subject (испытанию и т.п.)
    law expose (опасности, случайностям)
    Makarov analyze by e. g., fluorescence (напр. люминесцентному анализу); expose (опасности, случайностям и т.п.)
    math. face; undertake
    milit. expose (действию, опасности и т.п. Киселев); expose (действию)
    qual.contr. subject (воздействию)
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  5. #5
    Завсегдатай mishau_'s Avatar
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    Well I will try to give you an exact translation.

    You do not need to acquire a approval before I submit the application.
    Вам не нужно получать одобрения перед тем как я подаю (подам) заявление.

    Whose aproval you do not need to get is a question for me. It's sounds like in most cases you have to get one's (may be mine) approval and then I (will) send my application.

    представляю is ok too
    English Edition

    В обычных странах церковь отделена от государства, а в России - от Бога.

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