I'm going to experiment with some software called 'learning with texts', which highlights words in imported texts in Russian, etc, and can link to 2 online dictionaries easily to give ideas for a translation of an unfamiliar word.

In the past, I've tended to use google translate as my first option, backed up with a visit to Russian 'wiktionary'. I also check with my paper dictionary, a 1996 copy of the penguin dictionary, it's amazing! I wish that was digitised...

I have read through a lot of the sticky on online dictionaries; most seem to be monolingual, which I'm not ready for yet.

Can anyone recommend a really good online dictionary for me to link 'learning with texts' software too? Bearing in mind that I have a well thumbed paper dictionary as backup for when I'm not convinced by a translation I find online. Which is most of the time...