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Thread: To be satisfied with something.

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    To be satisfied with something.


    I would like to say this sentence -> I am really satisfied with your offer.

    My versions:
    Я действительно довольный твоим предложением.
    Я действительно доволен твоим предложением.

    What is a difference between довольный and доволен?

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин oldboy's Avatar
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    довольный - полная форма прилагательнго, доволен - краткая форма прилагательнго

    В данном случае правильный вариант: Я, действительно, доволен твоим предложением.
    George1992 likes this.
    Thanks for correcting me.

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Thank you!

    As for the довольный, why is it incorrect in the sentence?

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин oldboy's Avatar
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    Потому что мы так не говорим )

    Это примерно как: "why is it incorrectly in the sentence?" (вместо incorrect).
    Thanks for correcting me.

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by George1992 View Post
    Thank you!

    As for the довольный, why is it incorrect in the sentence?
    Difference between full and short versions of adjectives can vary and be frustrating. Probably it is subject to remember.
    In this case it can be thought that "довольный" is indefinite form. For example "Toy has label 'довольный слон'". We don't know why. It is just state.
    "Доволен" is more definite and often is used in joint with answer/reason "why does he is satisfied?". Even if this reason in sentence is omitted, but it is clear from context. For example:
    Кот попил молока и (поэтому) он доволен. ("доволен" is preferrable)
    Кот попил молока и сидит довольный. ("довольный" is preferrable because we shift attention from state "доволен" to action "сидит")
    -Он видел предложение? -Да. Он доволен (предложением). (because of context "доволен" is preferrable)
    In you case first form of sentence is ill-formed for native-speaker. There is strong "why?" joint here. However in many cases (like above) interchangeability is possible.

  6. #6
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    167 Use of the short form to denote temporary state

    While the long form implies complete identification of the quality expressed by the adjective with the person or thing it qualifies, the short form indicates a temporary state or condition, cf. Река бурная The river is a turbulent one (an inherent characteristic) and Сегодня река спокойна Today the river is calm (the short form denoting a temporary state)
    Similarly Он очень весёлый, бодрый ‘He is very jolly, cheerful’ ( nature), but Ты был бодр и весел и шутлив всю дорогу (Koluntsev)‘ You were cheerful and jolly and joked the whole way’, where the short forms refer to a person’s mood on a particular occasion.

    168 ...

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