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Thread: ходить stemmed verbs

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    ходить stemmed verbs

    Here is a list of a few verbs with the ходить stem (to go, to walk) that I am trying to memorize.
    Can somebody verify the accuracy of the definitions?
    Thanks in advance.

    ходить - to go, to walk
    выходить - to go out
    уходить - to leave, to depart
    находить - to find, to discover
    находиться - to be found, to turn up
    происходить - to happen, to occur
    приходить - to come, to arrive
    приходиться - to have to (do something), must
    проходить - to pass, to go by
    подходить - to approach, to come up to
    входить - to enter
    заходить - to stop by
    заходиться - to become numb
    сходить - to come down, to descend
    сходиться - to meet, to gather
    переходить - to cross, to get across
    походить - to resemble
    доходить - to reach (on foot)
    исходить - to proceed from, to originate from
    отходить - to move away
    Я взял палку и нож, мелки и бумагу и направился к холмам.

  2. #2
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    приходиться - to have to (do something), must
    And : to be, "Он приходится ему отцом". He is his father. Она приходится ему кузиной. She is his cousin. Used only to describe relationship between relatives. Or rarely between employees and their bosses. "Он приходится ему начальником". He is his boss.
    -- Да? Коту Ваське, бл##?
    -- Нет, Я кот Васька :-/

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    Re: ходить stemmed verbs

    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    Here is a list of a few verbs with the ходить stem (to go, to walk) that I am trying to memorize.
    Can somebody verify the accuracy of the definitions?
    Thanks in advance.

    ходить - to go, to walk
    выходить - to go out
    уходить - to leave, to depart
    находить - to find, to discover
    находиться - to be found, to turn up
    происходить - to happen, to occur
    приходить - to come, to arrive
    приходиться - to have to (do something), must
    проходить - to pass, to go by
    подходить - to approach, to come up to
    входить - to enter
    заходить - to stop by
    заходиться - to become numb
    сходить - to come down, to descend
    сходиться - to meet, to gather
    переходить - to cross, to get across
    походить - to resemble
    доходить - to reach (on foot)
    исходить - to proceed from, to originate from
    отходить - to move away
    observing this immence, prodigious amount of verbs derived only from one verb, I'm reluctantly wondering how it must be hard to learn Russian... It is a bless that I learn the simple and concise English
    If I were you I swear before the God that I would never begin to learn Russian...

  4. #4
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    Re: ходить stemmed verbs

    Quote Originally Posted by shadow1
    находиться - I. to be found, to turn up II. to be; to be situated/located; to be contained in, to be positioned on III walk for a long time; tire oneself by walking

  5. #5
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    Re: ходить stemmed verbs

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuvak
    It is a bless that I learn the simple and concise English
    А сколько сочетаний глаголов с предлогами надо выучить в английском!?

  6. #6
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    сходить has more than one meaning. In any list of prefixed verbs of motion it is listed as "сходить - to come down, to descend", as you have written, but there is far more common сходить which means "to go and fetch" (basically ходить with a stated purpose).

    (As far as I remember, these are actually two different words, the "с" prefix in the first word is a different "c" prefix from that in the second, but I could be wrong about this)

  7. #7
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotcher
    сходить has more than one meaning. In any list of prefixed verbs of motion it is listed as "сходить - to come down, to descend", as you have written, but there is far more common сходить which means "to go and fetch" (basically ходить with a stated purpose).

    (As far as I remember, these are actually two different words, the "с" prefix in the first word is a different "c" prefix from that in the second, but I could be wrong about this)
    Еще есть значение "Сходить в туалет"....

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: ходить stemmed verbs

    ходить - to go, to walk
    выходить - to go out
    уходить - to leave, to walk away
    находить - to find, to discover
    находиться - to be found, to turn up; to be situated
    происходить - to happen, to occur; II. to originate/to begin from
    приходить - to come, to arrive
    приходиться - to have to (do something), must; II. to fall on/within; to fit

    Мне пришлось идти пешком = I had to walk
    Мой день рождения приходится на понедельник в этом году =
    My birthday falls on monday this year (I don't know whether it's corret to say it this way in English, but Russian original is fine).

    проходить - to pass, to go by, to walk past smth.

    Note: when you use the word ходить its first meaning is to walk. A car can't ходить, just ездить.

    подходить - to approach, to come up to
    входить - to enter; to walk/come in

    заходить - to stop by; (about aircrafts):
    Самолёт заходил на посадку = A plane began its landing approach

    заходиться - to become numb (Never heard)

    заходиться в кашле (I don't know how to say that except = to cough intensevely)

    сходить - to come down, to descend; (to go somewhere and return afterwards)

    сходиться - to meet, to gather; II. to converge; III. to coincide, to agree (in opinions); IV. To match (about holes)

    переходить - to cross, to get across

    походить - to resemble, II. to walk a little bit

    доходить - to reach (on foot); II. Ваша идея до меня дошла = I've got your Idea

    исходить - to proceed from, to originate from
    отходить - to move away; to discontinue (отходить от практики = to discontinue the practice)
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  9. #9
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    Re: ходить stemmed verbs

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuvak
    observing this immense, prodigious amount of verbs derived _ from one verb only, I'm reluctantly wondering how hard it must be_ to learn Russian... It is a blessing that I learn _ simple and concise English
    If I were you I swear before_ God that I would never begin to learn Russian...
    Yes, you are truly blessed.

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