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Thread: Once more on тоже и также.

  1. #1
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    Once more on тоже и также.

    Abt the use of this words I had a rule: тоже, one action, two persons. Ты - злесь? Я тожe злесь. And также, two actions, one person. Я гуляю и также думаю. But I see in my grammar in an exercise something different: После поездки он привёз жене платье. Он тоже привёз друзьям разные сувениры. It wouldn't fit here better также?

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Once more on тоже и также.

    Quote Originally Posted by radomir
    Я гуляю и также думаю.
    Sounds unnatural to me. It's better to use "в то же время" here.
    После поездки он привёз жене платье. Он тоже привёз друзьям разные сувениры. It wouldn't fit here better также?
    Yes. Moreover, "тоже", sounds completely wrong here. "Также" fits perfect.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  3. #3
    SAn is offline
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    Re: Once more on тоже и также.

    Quote Originally Posted by radomir
    Abt the use of this words I had a rule: тоже, one action, two persons. ... And также, two actions, one person.
    Excellent rule! I have never noticed that

    I can add that we also have "{action here} то же [самое]", which means the same subject of {action}. "То же" is placed in place of subject that you do not want to repeat:
    «Ты решаешь задачи? Я решаю то же [самое].» ("I solving the same thing". Optional word "самое" in this content means "thing", "stuff" etc.)
    If you concretise what is the same subject then you should use "ту же"/"тот же"/"того же"/"те же"/"тех же"/... to match the subject:
    «Ты решаешь задачи? Я решаю те же задачи.» ("I solving the same tasks")
    Even natives often confuse "то же" and "тоже":
    «Ты решаешь задачи? Я тоже решаю.» ("I also solving something")

    We also have "{action here} так же", which means the same way of doing something:
    «Ты решаешь задачи? Я решаю так же.» ("I solving these problems the same way as you")
    «Он плохо покрасил пол. Стены он покрасил так же.» ("He painted the walls the same bad way as the floor")

  4. #4
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Once more on тоже и также.

    SAn, it might have seemed a typo if you had done it once, but seeing you do it four times running made me think that it’s about time you knew that present continuous is formed in a slightly different way. I hope you won’t mind me pointing that out for you.
    "I solving the same thing."
    "I solving the same tasks"
    “I also solving something"
    "I solving these problems the same way as you"

    It should be "I am solving …"

  5. #5
    SAn is offline
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    Re: Once more on тоже и также.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    SAn, it might have seemed a typo if you had done it once, but seeing you do it four times running made me think that it’s about time you knew that present continuous is formed in a slightly different way. I hope you won’t mind me pointing that out for you.
    Really? I always forming present continuous as in this sentence. What are the rules for that?

  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин bitpicker's Avatar
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    Re: Once more on тоже и также.

    Quote Originally Posted by SAn
    Really? I always forming present continuous as in this sentence. What are the rules for that?
    The continuous form always needs a conjugated form of 'to be' + ing, so it must be 'I am always forming' (you are always forming, he is always forming, I have always been forming, you will be forming, he was forming...).

    Спасибо за исправления!

    Вам нравится этот форум, и вы изучаете немецкий язык? Вот похожий форум о немецком языке.

  7. #7
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    Re: Once more on тоже и также.

    Quote Originally Posted by SAn
    Really? I always forming present continuous as in this sentence. What are the rules for that?
    Then you won’t be getting your Nobel Prize till you’ve learned how to form it correctly.

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Once more on тоже и также.

    Quote Originally Posted by radomir
    Abt the use of this words I had a rule: тоже, one action, two persons. Ты - злесь? Я тожe злесь. And также, two actions, one person. ?
    Yep, it is a good rule. But I'd say "тоже" implies different subjects, "также" implies the same subject. It is more universal.

    Я гуляю и также думаю.
    It is bad. But "Я гуляю, а также думаю." is OK. What is the rule I don't know.

    P.S. Throw that grammar away.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  9. #9
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Once more on тоже и также.

    Thank you and excuse this злесь Are so close л и д...

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