How do you say these? I feel so stupid saying "Литер есть?" when I need a lighter.
And I thought matches was "Значки", but now I'm not so sure.
How do you say these? I feel so stupid saying "Литер есть?" when I need a lighter.
And I thought matches was "Значки", but now I'm not so sure.
matches- спИчки
lighter - зажигАлка
"Happy new year, happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"
Originally Posted by Exalangumna
If you would ask "Литер есть?" most of russians understand it as "Do you have a liter <of vodka>"?. So get ready to be drunk, completly drunk after such a question
The correct question is:
"Зажигалка есть?"
"Есть прикурить?" - if you'd like to light a cigarette.
Значки = badges, pins
matches = спички
…while an answer will be “Тебе подарить, что-ль?”Originally Posted by DenisM
The correct question is “Извините, у вас зажигалки не найдётся?”
I thought liter was Литрь.
Actually the correct one is "литр" (один литр, два литра, пять литров, etc.) but there's no word as литер in Russian so once you tell so everyone would think you mean литр 'cause it's nothing more to think of...I thought liter was Литрь
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