Would this be expressed in Russian in the following way?:
"изобретение печатания"
Would it take the genitive case, as in the invention belonging to printing?
I've had bit of a mental block on this.
I'd appreciate any help.
Would this be expressed in Russian in the following way?:
"изобретение печатания"
Would it take the genitive case, as in the invention belonging to printing?
I've had bit of a mental block on this.
I'd appreciate any help.
One day, when I write brilliant Russian I will put some Russian text here. However, I can't promise that it will be in anyway witty.
Please correct my Russian. I implore you fellow human.
You'll need to clarify in Russian. The correct word is just "печать", but it has two meanings (the same actually but describing two different things) - a seal (or a stamp) and printing (a process involving a printing press).Originally Posted by Dagest
So you may say "изобретение книгопечатания" или "книгопечати" (i really don't know which one is more grammatically correct - maybe Olya will help)
Send me a PM if you need me.
Thanks Ramil. I meant the printing press really. I used a bad example. What about "изобретение машины"? Is that correct?Originally Posted by Ramil
One day, when I write brilliant Russian I will put some Russian text here. However, I can't promise that it will be in anyway witty.
Please correct my Russian. I implore you fellow human.
1. Начало книгопечатания.
2. Изобретение печатного станка.
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
2Оля: Всё-таки есть процесс такой, технология, принцип - печать. Изобрели (придумали) процесс, а потом, для осуществления этого процесса, придумали станок. Начало книгопечатания - не совсем то, что invention of printing.Originally Posted by Dagest
2Dagest: You're right about using genetive:
изобретение колеса
изобретение автомобиля
изобретение пороха
изобретение самолёта
изобретение велосипеда
"Изобретать велосипед" - I think there's the same idiom in English - to invent a bicycle as a description of the process of 'inventing' things that had already been invented.
Send me a PM if you need me.
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