The establishment of solid corporate principles should be the cornerstone of each corporation.
In my minde I had the word: основание
The establishment of solid corporate principles should be the cornerstone of each corporation.
In my minde I had the word: основание
Чем больше слов, тем меньше они стоят.
In russian there is almost direct idiom: "краеугольный камень". Edge/corner/stone. I do not know why "edge" is also here.
Установление прочных корпоративных принципов должно быть краеугольным камнем каждой корпорации.
Семь бед, один Reset
кра/j/eуго́льный phonemically.
But it’ş commonly pronounced as кра[и]уго́льный without the [j] sound or with a very weak one (like other unstressed је’s).
кра[э]угольный is definitely wrong.
«Е» after a vowel is pronounced like [э] only in the word проект. (I have no idea why. The latin ancestor does have a ‘j’ in it).
Please correct my English
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