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Thread: to end a career

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    to end a career

    Hi there,

    I came across a statement a short while ago. (source: Ъ; modified) It was something along those lines

    "...", сказала она после победы на ЧМ, которой она завершила свою карьеру.

    I feel that there is missing a preposition in the second part of the sentence.
    I'd rather go for: ...на ЧМ, где она завершила ... OR: на ЧМ, на которой она завершила ...

  2. #2
    Dmitry Khomichuk
    No, this is a statement. Her victory was the end of her career. Kinda the end of career is an object. And this object is the last victory.
    Common in Russian.
    She ended the career with the last victory.

  3. #3
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    That's an okay phrase, the word order just confuses you. Которой refers back to победа (not the ЧМ!!), and it's in the Instrumental case and not locative.

    It rougfly means that победа is an instrument with which she ends her career. But the proper translation would be:

    "Everything is okay": she said after the victory she ended her career with
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  4. #4
    Почётный участник
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    Got it - she ended the career w/ the statement.

    Should've known better - thx.

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cumulus View Post
    Hi there,

    I came across a statement a short while ago. (source: Ъ; modified) It was something along those lines

    "...", сказал она после победы на ЧМ, которой она завершила свою карьеру.

    I feel that there is missing a preposition in the second part of the sentence.
    I'd rather go for: ...на ЧМ, где она завершила ... OR: на ЧМ, на которой она завершила ...

    The only way I can justify the omission of a preposition or something close to that is: using после twice
    После победы ... на ЧМ, после которой ...

    To be honest...that is something that I have never come across - is there a typo in the article?
    No typo, it's the instrumental case, loosely translated "(the victory) with which she ended her career."

  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин Hoax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cumulus View Post

    Got it - she ended the career w/ the statement.

    Should've known better - thx.
    Not with the statement but with the victory.

    Она завершила карьеру победой. После победы она сказала "....".

    Рассказ заканчивается смертью героя.
    Предложение заканчивается точкой.
    Музыка завершается боем барабанов.

    сказала она после победы на ЧМ, которой она завершила свою карьеру.
    которой - feminine (которая); and we have two nouns one of wich is a feminine Genetive (победы = победа) and another is musculine Prepositional (чемпионате = чемпионат), therefore которой refers to победы as both are feminine.

  7. #7
    Почётный участник
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoax View Post
    Not with the statement but with the victory.

    Она завершила карьеру победой. После победы она сказала "....".

    Рассказ заканчивается смертью героя.
    Предложение заканчивается точкой.
    Музыка завершается боем барабанов.

    которой - feminine (которая); and we have two nouns one of wich is a feminine Genetive (победы = победа) and another is musculine Prepositional (чемпионате = чемпионат), therefore которой refers to победы as both are feminine.
    Right, thx.

    Instrumental is not my best friend.

    I tend to avoid the instrumental at any cost if I have the choice. Your examples were a good refresher tho.


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