What does " среди которых" mean?
What case is которых in?
What is the difference between "среди которых" and "между прочим"
What does " среди которых" mean?
What case is которых in?
What is the difference between "среди которых" and "между прочим"
"Между прочим" primary is used as "By the way" in english in meaning "Hey, listen, I remembered something interesting...". Literally "I want to say something between another phrases". Specific case of word "прочим" is indicator of this meaning.
On the other case "между прочих" means "between/among another... (some things)". For example "Между прочих коробок стоит коробка от телевизора" - "There is box from TV set among another boxes".
"Среди которых" is "among which / of which". "Three types of computers have been developed: A1, A2 and A3, among which A3 is the most popular machine in the market." - "Было разработано три типа компьютеров: A1, A2 и A3, среди которых A3 - самый популярный на рынке".
It's pronoun (относительное местоимение), that has the same declension schema as adjectives.What case is которых in?
Genitive plural here.
"Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."
"Был всю жизнь простым рабочим".
"Между прочим, все мы ------."
(Finishing the rhyme is left as a Googling exercise for the reader. But a loose English translation would be
"He worked and worked, but got no thanks / And P.S., everybody wanks.")
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