In my book of Phonetics advises to avoid "смешение свистящих [с], [з] и щипящих [ш], [ж], [ш'] ".
In my dictionary both 'свистящий' and 'щипящий' are translated as "sibillant, whistling". Really in it appears only шипящий and not щипящий, like is in the book and in the net. Since this two groups of consonants are different, I have translated these adjectives as "one-focus whistling" (for [с], [з]) and "two-focuses whistling" (for [ш], [ж], [ш']). Is there a less analytical way to name this two groups in English?. Perhaps the second group will be named as "hissing"? In Spanish the last consonants would be called with the rather technical word "chicheante". Thanks