I take it this is a derogatory term; what does it mean?
I take it this is a derogatory term; what does it mean?
Maybe: ridiculous person ... =clnk&cd=1ЧУБРИК - смешной человек
Are the terms on that site insulting? E.g., ЧЕРЕПА?
Whatever it is, it's not worth learningI mean it's some sort of not widely used slang. I for one have no clue what it means and I am a native speaker. There are several more or less derogatory slang words starting with чу, so this might be one I haven't heard before...
Never heard of this word, but it doesn't sound very derogative. It's hard to tell without context but I think it was used jokingly. By the way Internet search gave me a bunch of people with the last name Чубрик.
I agree with MikeM, this word isn't worth learning. Native speakers often go in for word creation inventing thousands of words which sometimes have no meaning but were made only to express emotions.
Google gives 10200 hits for "чубрик". "Чубрик" also appears to be a surname or family name: "Г.К.Чубрик" http://www.spbumag.nw.ru/2004/05/11.shtml , "Аркадий Чубрик" (Arcady Chubrik) http://www.artlebedev.ru/kovodstvo/33/ and http://www.chubrik.ru/ , and the nickname of a pet dog: "Кличка: Чубрик" http://www.google.com/search?q=%D1%87%D ... rt=10&sa=N
The dictionary link I gave is no longer an active website. For the time being it lives only in the Google cache. This dictionary appears to contain miscellaneous words, phrases and symbols that are not found in a normal dictionary. Users of the site were invited to contribute to the dictionary. The site also had a section for jokes, comics, games, downloads, a forum, chat and a kitchen. It looks like it was a friendly place for Russian users. There are many definitions that do not appear to be insulting. For example near the end of the list the symbolis defined as what I type to show that I smile.
I think MikeM and gRomoZeka are right. Maybe there was a person named Chubrik who was considered to be ridiculous by some, and so that is why that dictionary contains that definition. That is just my guess, I do not know.
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