Can someone explain for me the difference between these two?
Can someone explain for me the difference between these two?
1. Both mean 'also, as well, to.' Тоже is more colloquial, также more official.
2. Тоже is preferred in contexts that express identification with an action, state, or attribute already mentioned.
Вы заняты? Я тоже. Are you busy? Me too.
У стены стоял белый стол и четыре стула, тоже белых.
3. Также is preferred with providing additional, supplementary info, in the meaning 'in addition to that'.
Я начал, кроме книг, читать также и журнальные статьи.
4. Также is particularly common with the conjunction a.
Речь шла в основном о пробелмах друсторонних отношений, а также о положении в Ливане. It was basically a question of problems of bilatera relations, and also the situation in Lebanon.
NB: A never combines with тоже.
5. Compare the contrasting usage:
Он тоже выразил готовность помочь.
He also expressed his willingness to help (in addition to some one else).
Он также выразил готовность помочь.
He also expressed his willingness to help (in addition to other action he had agreed to take).
T. Wade, A Comprehensive Russian Grammar, (2000), p. 407ff.
According to my famous theory, in colloquial speech it would be much better: Я начал, кроме книг, читать ещё и журнальные статьи.Originally Posted by chaika
In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.
I haven't heard about your theoryOriginally Posted by Оля
, but I wanted to say the same - one can usually use"также" instead of "еще" not to sound formal.
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