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Thread: Сюда, отсюда, там, тут, здесь, тута. . . И.т.д

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Question Сюда, отсюда, там, тут, здесь, тута. . . И.т.д

    Всем Здравствуйте!

    У меня быстро вопросы о том вещицы.

    Как разница между "сюда, отсюда, тут, тута, здесь, и что-нибудь у вас можете подумать.

    I will continue in english because i know i am making enough mistakes! But basically the differences in those words are confusing me.

    Also, if one is using "about" in a sentence, how can you determine whether to use "О, об, обо, про того, о том, и.т.д"

    Большое Спасибо!
    Vielen Dank!
    Thanks a bunch!

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин pushvv's Avatar
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    сюда - to this place
    отсюда - from this place
    тут - at this place
    тута = тут but redneck version
    здесь = тут

  3. #3
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    Imagine a house with three persons in there. The first is Jack, the second is Mark, the third is Lydia. Mark and Lydia stand at one end of a room, Jack is in the other. Mark says: "Come here Jack (Иди сюда)" after Jack had done so Lydia said: "Okay, guys. I need to go. See you all later" So as she had done so, guys now can say that she went away from there (Она ушла отсюда).

    During the guys' converstion Mark said: "Hey, I want to drink, I think I'll go to the kitchen to poor a glass of water.Yes, I'll go there (Да, я пойду туда)" After Mark had done so he came back to Jack and asked: "What were you doing here while I was gone?" (Что ты тут/здесь делал, пока меня не было?)

    So to sum everything up:
    сюда - to the spot you're at from another place;
    отсюда - from the spot you're at to an unknown location or to a location which you don't care of; as in - Get outta here! (Иди отсюда) - I don't care where you go, just go away from here; BUT you can still specify a location if using theis word like in: - Унеси это отсюда в комнату - Take that away from here and bring it to the room
    тут/здесь - at the same spot you're at;
    тута - the coloquial and not very good variant of тут;
    туда - from the spot you're at to another spot which is known;

    As for the variations of the preposition "о", the only thing I can tell you for sure is that "о" is used in front of words that starts with a consonant sound, and the sound word is a crucial word here, cause some of our vowels are actually a combination of j-sound as in (jank) and a vowel;

    О елке, о яблоке --- е is a combination j and e (as in bed) sounds, я is a combination j and u (as in cut) sounds. (But don't think that they sound in Russian the same way they sound in English, I just provided the most similar sounds for you to understand the idea)

    The above examples starts with a vowel, but the starting sound is actually the consonant J-sound, so the 'o' version is used.

    Об is used in front of words that start with a vowel sound:

    Об Америке, об этом, об облаке etc
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  4. #4
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Как всегда, айкэк ( icake) ты очень большой помощь для меня!

    А pusshvv большое спасибо тоже!

  5. #5
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gottimhimmel View Post
    Also, if one is using "about" in a sentence, how can you determine whether to use "О, об, обо, про того, о том, и.т.д"
    More details on that.
    "About" in the sense of "to speak about smth., to think about, to read about, a book about smth. etc.":

    There are 2 basic prepositions to convey this meaning.
    1. о/об/обо + Prepositional Case.

    As iCake explained, the rules are:
    о - before ANY consonant, as well as before е [йэ], ё [йо], ю [йу], я [йа]: о книге, о погоде, о снеге, о том, о еде, о ёлке, о яблоке, о юге...
    об - before a PURE vowel (i.e. before а, и, о, у, э): об атомах, об играх, об острове, об устрицах, об этом...
    обо - this one is used before some consonant clusters in a few set combinations only: обо мне (about me), обо всём (about everything), обо всех (about everybody) and with other forms of "весь" (all) (обо всём + MASC SG, обо всей + FEM SG, обо всём + NEUT SG, обо всех + PL). I think there are no more combinations when "обо" is used. If I did not forget something

    2. про + Accusative Case:
    про книгу, про погоду, про снег, про то, про еду, про ёлку, про яблоко, про юг, про атомы, про игры, про острова, про устриц, про это, про меня, про всё, про всех...

    As to the difference between о and про, I think there is hardly any difference in this particular meaning. You can use them interchangeably. Although "о" is more common, and "про" carries a shade of colloquial style.

    E.g.: Они говорили о погоде = Они говорили про погоду (They talked about weather).
    Я думаю о тебе = Я думаю про тебя (I am thinking about you).
    Я читал книгу о животных = Я читал книгу про животных (I read a book about animals).

    It is true only for the meaning I explained above. There are other meanings of "о" and "про" when they are not interchangeable.
    Yulia65 likes this.

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай maxmixiv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gottimhimmel View Post
    Как всегда, айкэк ( icake) ты очень большой помощь для меня!

    А pusshvv большое спасибо тоже!
    Мне кажется, его зовут айКейк

    У меня быстро вопросы о том вещицы.
    I'm just curious: what were you trying to say?
    "Хочу спросить одну простую вещь" may be?

    ты очень большой помощь для меня!
    Unfortunately, this sentence is not correct.
    "Твои ответы очень мне помогают" (awkward a bit)
    "Твоя помощь неоценима"
    "Ты мне здорово помог" (здорово = informal "очень")
    "Невозможно передать смысл иностранной фразы, не разрушив при этом её первоначальную структуру."

  7. #7
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Хочу спросить одну простую вещь- Exactly what i wanted to say. " I wanted to ask a quick question of something (a thing)"

  8. #8
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Thanks for the Corrections

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